🩸It feels right🩸

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I thought it was the end for me

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I thought it was the end for me...

Falling maybe Miss Seok Nari isn't so lucky this time...

Suddenly I felt something grab my leg....in flash I was on the concrete looking up at Hyun-su...and Eun-yu.

Apparently Hyun-su didn't want to see us again...I cried that's all I could do.

Suddenly the guy who had the bish costume came. "You monster peice of shit..get gone."

I honestly didn't care..I missed Hyun-su so much. "Hyun-su Wait!"

"Go away Nari"

I cried harder "Hyun-su please I miss you.." I begged, "I don't miss you." Ow..... ouch "Hyun-su.." my voice was shaking.."please I beg" He didn't respond to me. I fell to my knees and cried...at the end of the day..I was too late...I remember something.....

"Your girlfriend is right." He said. I blushed in embarrassment. "He's not my boyfriend, we just met" I smiled.

I cried and cried hugging myself on my knees.

"Nari, get up we have to go." Eun-yu said..."Eun-yu get away from me please I wanna be alone." I sobbed.


"I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE!!" She flinched, I just continue crying....I can't stop myself from crying. Eun-yu left me and I was there alone I cried and cried until I passed out.





I woke up in an RV, I stretched and stood up and went outside to see I was brought back to the place the old man and the crazy girl are.

Soon it was nightfall and we are all around a camp fire. A bit later, Chan-Yeong woke up and he was practically dragged to the fire pit by Miss Psycho. "Sit,sit,sit, sit." She repeated.

"So which is it? A brother? A boss? A dad? What are you to each other?" Eun-yu questioned. "Why the hell does it matter? You just eat and get lost." The grumpy man said.

"Um, why don't you come back with us? You'll be safer there." The girl gasped "are we getting married then?" I wonder what Miss spoiled would think about that...heh.

"Uh, that's... that's not what I'm saying."

"Safe? You guys have just been lucky. That or you don't know better." The old man said. " I think you might be underestimating some of us." Chan-Yeong replied. "I don't trust humans, okay?"

"I'm not surprised. But you don't trust Monsters either? And what about her?..... sure seems like it." Eun-yu spoke. "Let's go with them. Let's go together, teacher, hmm? Hey, let's go."

Soon the gun was drawn...I stood up to see who was the hostility was directed to...it was Hyun-su...I honestly couldn't give a fuck...I cried my heart out until I fell asleep on cold pavement. I'm done with every idea of Hyun-su.

I ignored the chaos around me.

Minutes later Miss crazy and Mr. Wise left

I just sat there, unbothered.

Chan-Yeong said that we should go cause of monsters hearing the gun fire. (The man shot a gun at Hyun-su and it hit him in his shoulder)

I stood up and walked in Chan-Yeong's direction. I realised I don't have my Katana Anymore...it dropped down the hole....

I was outside the building getting fresh air....as I decided to go back inside Hyun-su was walking out.. he stopped "Nari...I did miss you" my heart fluttered and I began breathing heavily. "I'm sorry" he said...he then looked at me, I turn my body to him giving him all my attention.

I smiled weakly and hugged him tightly he hugged me back slowly. Once I released him I was surprised with a kiss. I pulled away "this is wrong."

"But it feels right" I finished my sentence giving Hyun-su the most passionate kiss he deserved, he placed his hands around my waist. After parted we both looked at each other. stunned.

"I'll be back..." he said. I watch him leave with conflicted feelings.

I soon walked into the building seeing both Eun-yu and Chan-Yeong sitting down next to each other.

She told her story about how Mr. Kim has symptoms. Yi-kyung made some noise and we rushed in.

"Could you step outside for a moment?" I nodded and left along with Chan-Yeong and Eun-yu, Yi-kyung's Daughter went into the room. Hyun-su then came outside so he could give Both ladies privacy.

Soon miss girl came out the room a little earlier than anticipated...we all went to her. "Why are you out here already? Stay with her for a while longer."

"Mom's not gonna die, so stop crying please." She said. Suddenly there was a ruckus coming from the room. Hyun-su rushed in, Yi-kyung was on the ground...Hyun-su started crying, I held back my tears.

Suddenly Yi-kyung began moving in...unnatural ways...I placed my hand over my mouth. Yi-kyung got up and ran into me...I felt my body was thrown backand hit the wall...I was loosing my vision. "Hyun-su.." was the last word I muttered before I passed out.

End of season

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