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Outfit reminder:

We were having dinner with Ji-su, Su-yeong, Yeong-su, the old man

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We were having dinner with Ji-su, Su-yeong, Yeong-su, the old man. The lady that saved us. Hyun-su. And Ji-su's hot friend.

"Let's all dig in." The old man said. "Don't have to tell me twice." I mumbled and grabbed my bowl of rice.

"Kids why don't you tell us your names." The old man said. They looked at me for approval and I nodded my head. "I'm kim Yeong-su." The boy said. "I'm kim Su-yeong." The girl said.

"Kim Yeong-su, Kim Su-yeong? Yeong-su and Su-yeong......those are almostthe same. I guess, uh, your parents gave you those names, so you would always stick together. Yeong-su, Su-yeong. Su-yeong-su, hmm?" He hummed.

"Dad, named us both." Su-yeong said.

"Dad...." Yeong-su said as if he was about to cry. The room fell silent and the lady comforted him. She then placed some meat on his spoon. "Thank you very much, ma'am."

Old man, Du-sik, went to grab a beer for Ji-su's hot friend but he said that he didn't drink.

I wasn't interested in their conversation and kept muching case a bitch was hungry.

The was an ominous silence....

After a while later I went to sleep.

I was woken up by the intercom saying to come to the first floor and that it's safe. What a load of Bullshit.

Sometime later Hyun-su asked if we can come with them and they said yes. And as we walked to the door Yeong-su then spoke.

"Nari, Hyun-su, you will come back, okay?"

"Okay" Hyun-su smiled.

"Okay" I said too.

"Thank you so much for saving us."

"We'll be back" the hot friend said.

We then walked out.



As we walked down the stairs the hot friend which I come to known as Jae-heon began speaking. "Can we go downstairs like this? We need more useful things."

"We are the most useful things" Ji-su replied

As we walk down more we came across a dead body. "It's a person" Ji-su said. "Strange to see them like this." Jae-heon spoke.

"No it isn't. 'Strange' is when a 7ft tall hulkish giant tries to eat you. This....this is the new ordinary." I spoke as I walked over the person.

"That's debatable" said Jae-heon. "He's still warm. Hasn't been dead for long" Ji-su said checking the person's pulse. "Oh God"

Ji-su then looted the dead bodyand found a chocolate bar. Hyun-su looked at her as if she just killed somebody so she tossed the bar to him and he catches it but he still has a shocked look on his face.

"Put it back if you don't want it." She said.

"Or better yet give it to me, I haven't had chocolate in a while." I smiled. "Your cold" he said. She looked him dead in the face. "So What if that's true? I do worse to survive. And I suggest you do the same." She said. Hyun-su then put the bar in his pocket.

"Your both one of us now" She finished. "Let's go" Jae-heon said picking up a Crate.

I then walked behind them and suddenly I heard a bump. I saw Hyun-su Falling.

"HYUN-SU!!!!" I yelled.

I ran down the stairs.

*some time later*

I was at the lobby. And I saw an old man held a blade to Hyun-su's neck. "Don't you dare turn."

"Or what you dirty old man?" I asked walking in the room.

As I did a boy with glasses looked at me up and down checking out my attire.


"Why you little-" He said angryly. "Put your hand on me I dare you"

Currently we were in a daycare. There were a lot of survivors. Most of the guys kept eyeing me up which was annoying.

I was leaned up on the wall

The old man was arguing with Jae-heon and Ji-su.

The guy with the glasses came in, I found out his name was Eun-hyeok

"Everyone please grab a peice of paper. If you think we should expel Hyun-su, then go ahead and draw a circle. And if you don't think we should, draw an X. Then put the paper in this box." He then looked in my direction and I mouthed. 'Thank you'

He smiled back at me for a second.

"Obviously, he'll be kicked out, why bother? Raise your hand. I want him out. Hands up. Hands up! Raise your hand, you cow." He said to a lady

"You arrogant old prick. You have no shame, I will outlive you. And if you speak to that poor woman again in such Manner. I will end you and no one in this room. Not even the Korean government would stop me. You are nothing but a parasite waiting to be killed." I said getting in his face.

A lot of the survivors were shocked. I guess no one stood up the old bat.

"I don't want Hyun-su to leave, and I'll do anything in MY power to keep him here like it or not, you cunt." I then walked to the bathroom.

after a while I came back from the bathroom and casted my vote

After Eun-hyeok tallied the votes he then spoke. "Eight of us voted us, and seven voted no. If one of the last two ballots is in favour, he'll be kicked out."

"Seven people opposed? Are you all crazy?" The old rat said. "Opposed. Eight to eight." He said as he picked up the vote.

"Dammit. It was you." He said to the lady. "Uh, no I didn't" She said scaredly.

"All the bitches and bastards on his side should all be thrown out!" The old rat yelled. "Can you calm the fuck down?" Ji-su asked.

"Don't get worked up yet. The last vote here will determine the result." He then reaches in the box and grabbed the vote. He then showed it to us. It was a Circle and and X.

"Invalid" He said

The old man snatched the paper. "No way. Hey. Hey! Bring that bastard here!" He said looking at someone. "You mean me?" A guy asked. "Yeah! We have to get rid of him!" He then tossed the paper on the ground. "Voting my ass. Ha. Are you all crazy? Did you forget someone just died?"

"Are you against the result?" Eun-hyeok asked. "What? You don't know squatt. Murder is killing a human being not killing a giant fucking monster!" He then flipped the table.

"What a child" I rolled my eyes. As if he'd know about killing a biant fucking monster. Maybe he should meet the muscly terror that was in the higher floors.

Then....the man's nose started to bleed. I smiled.

"It's because I'm tired" He repeated

Hyun-su then gave him some frightening words. "Can I cast my vote? If I place this in he'll be thrown out too right?" He asked.

After the voting scandal I decided to walk around and I heard someone mentioning shooting Hyun-su in the head. I grabbed a nearby knife and placed it by the boy's neck.

"If Hyun-su dies, you do too. Just to let you know, Karma is a bitch." I then took my sexy ass and left them in shock.

I then heard a whisper. "She's annoying but she's hot" I rolled my eyes.

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