More Trouble In King's Landing

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Princess Morgana's Chambers]

Princess Morgana Baratheon lay in bed, her sheets drenched with sweat as she thrashed about, her heart racing. She was having another nightmare.

In her dream, she saw her father, King Robert Baratheon, out on a hunt, his armour gleaming in the sunlight. He was laughing and joking with his companions, completely unaware of the danger that lurked nearby. But then, suddenly, a wild boar charged towards him, its tusks gleaming in the sunlight. Her father, too drunk to react quickly enough, was gored by the beast and fell to the ground, his blood pouring out like a river.

She woke up with a start, her body covered in sweat and her heart pounding in her chest.

It was only a dream, but it felt so real. She could still smell the metallic scent of her father's blood, still hear the sound of his labored breathing as he fought for life.

She could feel the weight of her crown heavy upon her head, and the responsibility of ruling the Seven Kingdoms pressing down upon her. But it wasn't just that - she couldn't bear the thought of her brother Joffrey becoming king instead of her. He was cruel and sadistic, and would rule with an iron fist, bringing suffering to their people.

She knew that her brother, Joffrey, was not worthy of inheriting their father's throne. He took pleasure in causing pain and suffering wherever he went. The thought of him becoming king made her blood run cold. But try as she might, she could not convince her father of this. Joffrey was the eldest male heir of the King, and precendent saw to that he must be prepared to take the throne one day.

She threw off the covers and got out of bed, pacing back and forth across her chambers. She knew she needed to do something to prevent this from happening, but what? She couldn't very well go on a hunt herself, dressed in a flowing gown and carrying a sword. And yet, she felt compelled to act, to protect her kingdom and her people.

Needing to do something to distract herself from these disturbing visions, she decided to go for a walk in the castle gardens, hoping the fresh air would clear her head.

As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The whispers of the courtiers and knights who surrounded her only added to her anxiety. They spoke of her father's drinking problem, how it was becoming more frequent and more severe. How it was affecting his ability to rule the kingdom.

Morgana knew all too well the truth behind their words. She had seen her father stumble and slur his speech countless times before. She had heard the rumors of his infidelities and his lack of care for the realm. But she also knew that deep down, her father was still the brave warrior who had won the Iron Throne.

But what if he didn't survive this next hunt? What if the boar took his life, just like in her dreams? Who would then sit upon the throne? Joffrey, with his cruel smile and his penchant for torture? The thought made her shudder.

[King's Landing - King Robert's Chambers]

King Robert was seated at his desk, staring pensively at the drink in his hand when Cersei Baratheon entered.

"I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. You seemed so good together." She told him, sitting in the chair opposite him.

"I'm glad I could do something to make you happy."

"Without a Hand, everything will fall to pieces."

"I suppose this is where you tell me to give the job to your brother Jaime."

"No. He's not serious enough. I'll say this for Ned Stark -- he's serious enough. Was it really worth it? Losing him this way?"

"I don't know. But I do know this -- If the Targaryen girl convinces her horse-lord husband to invade and the Dothraki horde crosses The Narrow Sea ... we won't be able to stop them."

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