Red Wedding

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[The Twins - Main Hall]

Inside the main hall of the Twins, the celebration for Roslin and Edmure's wedding was underway.

Despite his heavy opposition, Edmure found himself pleasantly surprised when his bride was revealed to him.

A band was playing music on the balcony of the hall.

Walder was seated on the high chair at the main table, underneath the balcony where the musicians are playing. Seated to his left were his daughter, Roslin and Edmure. Seated to his right was his wife, Joyeuse Frey. Stark men and Frey men and women were celebrating the marriage.

Morgana was seated at a table towards the front, near Walder's main table. Next to her was Lothar Frey, one of Walder's many sons.

Despite knowing their intentions, Morgana made small talk with those around her.

"They're good, aren't they?" She asked Lothar, speaking of the band who had been hired.

"They ought to be because they cost enough."

Robb took a drink and started laughing.

Across the hall were Roose, Brynden Tully and Lady Catelyn.

"Look at the crowd there." Brynden observed.

Next to him was Wendel Manderly of House Manderly. Beside Wendel was Black Walder, another one of Walder's sons.

"He complained about this marriage the entire ride from Riverrun and now look at him." Catelyn noted to her uncle.

They looked up at Edmure who was whispering in Roslin's ear, causing her to smile.

"The Gods love to reward a fool." Brynden muttered.

"Uncle." Catelyn laughed.

"What? He's my nephew, I love him. And he's a damned fool."

This time, both uncle and niece laughed.

A servant tried to pour some wine into Roose's cup but he covered it with his hand before she could pour anything.

"Don't you drink, Lord Bolton?" Catelyn asked, when she noticed this.

"Nevr do, my lady. Dulls the senses."

"That's the point." Brynden told Roose as the servant poured him more wine. "Didn't you marry one of these Frey girls?"

"Aye. Lord Walder let me choose any of his granddaughters and promised me the girl's weight in silver as a dowry. So I have a fat, young bride."

Roose smiled and Brynden laughed.

"I hope she makes you very happy." Catelyn said, giving him a serious look.

"Well, she's made me very rich."

"Pardon, my lord, my lady. I need to find a tree to piss on." The Blackfish said, getting up from his seat and beginning to exit the hall, Robb and Morgana watching him go.

"My mother's alone with Roose Bolton. I should rescue her."

"Your mother is less in need of rescue than any woman I've ever met."

"Be kind. She likes you, in spite of our family's differences."

"And I like her. But, I'm sure if she had a chance to change it, I would have nevr left the Capital, and been forced to a lifetimr of misery with a Southern lord of my family's choosing, and you would be sitting over there," she gestured to Roslin and Edmure, who was eating blackberries out of Roslin Frey's hand.

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