Business In King's Landing

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[King's Landing]

King's Landing was a city of excess and depravity, a place where dreams went to die and nightmares danced in the flickering light of a thousand torches. In its darkest corners, Littlefinger had rebuilt his brothels. They were no longer mere houses of ill repute, but rather temples of debauchery, designed to sate the basest desires of the kingdom's most powerful men.

It was here, in one of these opulent establishments, that Lord Petyr Baelish, known to most as Littlefinger, received word that his attempt on the lives of the King and Queen of the North, Robb Stark and Morgana Baratheon, and their sons, Eddard and Robert, had failed.

Though he was disappointed, he couldn't deny a small measure of relief. He'd sent assassins with no tongues, men who could not incriminate him or reveal his larger plan of eliminating all contenders until he was the only one left to sit the throne. The Starks and their allies had survived, but it was only a matter of time before Littlefinger found another opportunity to strike.

Littlefinger poured himself a glass of wine, taking a moment to compose himself before continuing with his day's business. He moved through the brothel like a ghost, observing his employees and clients with a predatory gaze. He noted the interactions between them, gauging their power plays and secret desires. In the shadows, unbeknownst to all but him, a new web of intrigue and seduction was spinning.

One of his most valuable assets was the information he collected. His network of spies and informants stretched far and wide, ensuring that he was always the first to know of any significant developments. He listened to their whispers and read their reports, piecing together a tapestry of lies and truths that would serve him well in the days to come.

Littlefinger made his way to a private chamber in the back of the brothel, where he kept his most valuable possessions. Amongst the scrolls of parchment and locked boxes, he kept a secret ledger detailing the sins and secrets of every noble family in the Seven Kingdoms. It was a dangerous game he played, but he reveled in the power it gave him.

As he reviewed the ledger, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. The Starks, always so proud and honorable, had no idea of the web of deceit that surrounded them. Their loyalty to one another would be their undoing, Littlefinger mused. He knew that sooner or later, he would find a way to turn them against each other. It was only a matter of time.

He continued to peruse the ledger, taking note of other potential pawns and rivals. Amongst the names and numbers, he spotted a familiar face: Sansa Stark. Littlefinger smiled to himself. She had been through so much, suffered at the hands of so many. He had always had a soft spot for her, even when she was betrothed to the vicious bastard, Joffrey Baratheon.

He remembered the day she arrived in King's Landing, all innocence and naivete. He'd seen the way she looked at him, with a mixture of fear and curiosity. He'd wanted to protect her, to keep her safe from the horrors that awaited her. But the games of politics and power did not allow for such luxuries.

As he traced his fingers over the lines and numbers that detailed her life, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had been through so much, and yet she had survived. She had grown stronger, more resilient. He wondered if she would ever forgive him for all that he had done, or if she would one day see the truth of his intentions.

He sighed, tucking the ledger back into its hiding place. It was time to focus on the task at hand. He had plans to see through, alliances to forge, and enemies to destroy. Littlefinger rose from his seat, adjusting his cloak as he left the chamber. His footsteps echoed through the brothel, drawing the attention of those who knew him. They bowed their heads in deference, aware that he was more than just a shadowy figure in the shadows. He was the mastermind behind it all.

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