Death To The Mockingbird

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Throne Room]

In the grand throne room of King's Landing, the air was thick with tension as Lord Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger, stood trial for his crimes. The charges were numerous: treason, murder, and inciting the War of the Five Kings. The courtroom was filled with lords and ladies of the realm, all of whom had been affected by Littlefinger's scheming and betrayal.

As Queen Morgana Baratheon, daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, wife of Robb Stark, and newly crowned Queen of the Six Kingdoms, sat on her throne, she studied Lord Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger. His face betrayed no emotion as he listened to the charges against him, but she could see the fear in his eyes. The trial had been going on for hours, and she was growing weary.

She glanced at her son, Robert, who was sitting on a smaller throne beside her. He was just a toddler, but he was already showing signs of intelligence and leadership. His older twin, Eddard, was beside him, looking solemn. Morgana knew that both boys would one day rule over their respective kingdoms, Eddard from King's Landing and Robert from the North, but for now, she had to make a decision about Littlefinger's fate.

"So, Lord Baelish," She began, her voice firm but controlled. "You stand accused of the murder of Lysa Arryn, Jon Arryn, my goodfather Ned Stark, Joffrey Hill and the attempted murders of myself, Arya, my cousins Jon and Daenerys, my husband Robb, and our children. You are also charged with treason for betraying Lord Eddard Stark, and sparking the War of the Five Kings."

She paused, studying his face for any sign of remorse or guilt. But all she saw was the same confident smile he'd always worn, as if he thought himself invincible. She couldn't help but feel a shiver of disdain run down her spine.

"Well, Lord Baelish," Morgana continued, "what have you to say for yourself?" She leaned forward slightly, her eyes boring into him. "Do you deny these charges?"

Littlefinger's smile flickered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Your Majesty, I do not deny that I was present at some of the events in question," he began, his voice smooth as silk. "But to say that I was responsible for them all would be a gross misinterpretation of the facts. I was simply trying to navigate the treacherous waters of court politics, as any clever man would."

Queen Morgana raised an eyebrow at his words. She had never trusted Littlefinger, and his attempt to shift the blame onto others did little to change her opinion of him. "And what of Lysa Arryn's death?" she asked pointedly. "You were seen arguing with her just before she plunged to her death."

Littlefinger's smile slipped for a moment, but he recovered quickly. "Your Majesty, I am a man of many enemies. It is no surprise that someone would wish to frame me for such a deed." He looked around the courtroom, his gaze meeting the eyes of several prominent lords and ladies, daring them to contradict him.

The queen studied his expression, searching for any hint of truth in his words. But she knew that Littlefinger was a master of deception, and she couldn't help but wonder if he had truly been the architect of all the death and destruction that had followed in his wake.

Sansa Stark stepped forward, her voice trembling as she recounted the horrors that Littlefinger had inflicted upon her family. She told of how he had manipulated her father, Eddard Stark, into trusting him, only to betray him and orchestrate his downfall. She spoke of how he had tried to kill her brother, Bran, and how he had sold her to the Boltons, the family who betrayed her brother, Robb. She also spoke of how he had paid a sellsword to kill her sister, Arya, in order to isolate her from her family, leaving her with only him to turn to for comfort.

"My lord," she said, addressing Morgana directly, "I accuse Lord Baelish of the murder of my aunt, Lady Lysa Arryn. He threw her out the Moon Door and watched her. He gave her the Tears of Lys, which she used to kill her husband, the Hand of The King, and then he convinced her to send a letter to our parents, falsely accusing the Lannisters of the deed, setting off a chain of events that culminated in the War Of The Five Kings."

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