Another King Is Dead

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[King's Landing]

In the aftermath of King Joffrey's tragic demise, the capital city of King's Landing was in a state of turmoil. The Lannisters, led by Queen Cersei, were determined to maintain their grip on power and protect their heirs, Prince Tommen and his pregnant sister Princess Morgana Baratheon.

Among those most affected by Joffrey's passing were his family members, particularly his mother, Queen Cersei, and his sister, Princess Morgana Baratheon. Both women were known for their beauty and cunning, but now they found themselves in a precarious position, as the throne passed to Morgana's brother, Tommen, who was still just a child.

To prevent any further harm from coming to her family, Cersei ordered that all of Morgana's food and drink be thoroughly tasted before she was allowed to consume them. This included every morsel of meat, every sip of wine, and even the water she drank. No expense was spared in ensuring the safety of the future king, princess and her unborn child.

Tommen, too, was under heavy guard, but his protection was more symbolic than practical. As the soon to be crowned king, he was already surrounded by a contingent of loyal guards and advisors. But Morgana, as the potential mother of the next Lord of Winterfell and Casterly Rock, was seen as the true prize.

But as the dais passed, the young princess grew restless under the strict confines of her imprisonment. Longing for freedom and fresh air, she begged her mother to allow her to take a walk within the castle walls.

Cersei, torn between her desire to keep her daughter safe and her own paranoia over potential assassination attempts, finally relented. But only if Morgana agreed to be accompanied by a contingent of guards at all times.

As they strolled through the castle gardens, Morgana couldn't help but feel suffocated by the constant presence of her escort. Every morsel of food or drop of wine she attempted to consume was carefully inspected and tasted by the watchful servants, leaving her feeling like a prisoner rather than a royal.

Despite the oppressive atmosphere, however, Morgana found solace in the beauty of nature. She marveled at the vibrant flowers and lush greenery, taking comfort in the simple pleasures of life that seemed so far away from the political intrigue and backstabbing that plagued her family's rule.

[Great Sept Of Baelor]

As the procession made its way through the winding streets of King's Landing, the air was heavy with the scent of incense and the weight of mourning. The banners of House Lannister and House Baratheon hung limp and somber, their golden lions, black stags and crimson roses dimmed by the tears of those who had gathered to pay their respects to the late king, Joffrey Baratheon.

Among them was his older sister, Morgana Baratheon, her face pale and drawn as she walked beside her mother, Queen Cersei, and her younger brother, Prince Tommen. Their grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister, followed closely behind, his eyes fixed on the ground, his jaw clenched tight.

Morgana's thoughts were consumed by anger and regret as she gazed upon the lifeless body of her brother, laid out on the ornate stone dais in the center of the great sept. How could this have happened? Joffrey had been so full of life just hours before, laughing and jesting with his subjects and family as he prepared to marry his beloved Margaery Tyrell. And now, he was gone, taken from them all in a act of violence that would forevr change the course of their lives.

As the priests chanted their prayers and the crowd wept and wailed around her, Morgana felt a cold fury building inside her. These people acted like they knew him. Like he was a good king, and not one who's first decision upon becoming King sent the realm headlong into war.

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