They're Here

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[King's Landing]

As the sun set over King's Landing, the sky turned a sickly shade of purple, signaling the arrival of the army of the dead. Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Morgana Baratheon, and a small group of Westerosi soldiers stood atop the walls of the Red Keep, gazing out at the endless sea of undead that stretched towards the horizon.

"Well, this is it," Jon said grimly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Morgana replied, her hand tightening on the hilt of her sword. "Let's hope the others are as well."

The army of the dead began their march towards the city, led by the Night King himself, who rode atop a massive undead dragon, Viserion, his icy blue eyes fixed on their position. The air grew cold as they drew closer, the chill creeping up the spines of the living.

"They're here," Robb said, his voice steady despite the fear that coursed through him.

As the Night King's army drew closer, Jon could see the fear in the faces of his allies, but also the determination. The Lannister soldiers and Vale knights stood shoulder to shoulder with the Northerners, the Dornishmen, the Velaryons, the Baratheon loyalists, and the Targaryen forces in the Dothraki and Unsullied.. Even the wildlings had put aside their differences to fight beside them.

With a fierce cry, the Westerosi soldiers retreated, falling back towards the city in a carefully choreographed route. The wights followed, their slow, lumbering strides eating up the distance between them. But as they reached the abandoned houses on the outskirts of the city, the soldiers disappeared inside, barricading themselves within.

From within the darkness of the houses, the sound of armored boots echoed, and the rattle of weapons being readied. The wights, confident in their victory, surged forward, crashing through doors and windows in search of their prey. But as they poured into the homes, they found only empty rooms and the occasional scream of terror.

Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen waited patiently on the back of Drogon, her husband, Jon's dragon, Rhaegal, on standby.

As the last of the wights entered the houses, the doorways burst open, and the Westerosi soldiers emerged from their hiding places, armed and angry. With a fierce cry, they charged forward, driving the wights back towards the center of the city.

Meanwhile, Morgana Baratheon had summoned her dragon, Darkfyre, who was flying overhead, riderless, breathing fire down upon the wights below. The undead creatures screamed in agony as they burned, their flesh blackening and crumbling to ash.

As the battle raged on, Robb Stark rode forth on his trusty steed, leading a small group of elite soldiers towards the center of the city. Their goal: to draw the Night King and his undead Viserion away from the city walls, allowing Daenerys and her dragons to engage them in open battle.

Morgana continued to use her powers as a Dragon Soulbinder to protect her allies and turn the tide of the battle. Her control over the elements was a sight to behold, as she summoned gusts of wind to send the wights flying through the air and create barriers of ice to slow their advance.

As Robb Stark and his elite force drew closer to the center of the city, the Night King turned his icy gaze upon them, his bone-chilling laughter echoing across the battlefield. The undead Viserion dipped its massive head, spewing forth a blast of icy breath that sent the soldiers scattering. But Robb remained steadfast, urging his horse forward.

In the skies above, Daenerys Targaryen and Drogon circled, waiting for the right moment to engage the Night King and his undead dragon. Morgana continued to support her allies from high ground, giving her sight over the city, her control over the elements growing more powerful with each passing moment.

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