Invitations & Revelations

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[Winterfell - Robb & Morgana's Chambers]

The sky above Winterfell was dark, brooding, a foreboding presence that seemed to hang over the castle like an ominous shroud. The wind howled through the ancient stones, carrying with it the faint scent of snow, of ice, of death. It was a morning much like any other, yet something felt different. Something was about to change.

Robb Stark, King in the North, and his Queen, Morgana Baratheon, sat in their chambers, the large hearth crackling softly between them. A letter had arrived from their southern counterparts, from King's Landing itself, from Cersei Lannister, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. It was an invitation, of sorts. An offer to journey south, to represent the North in a grand council to be held in the long-abandoned dragonpit.

The reason for this summons was not without precedent; Robb's half-brother, or cousin, Jon Snow had recently journeyed beyond the Wall, accompanied by a small retinue of wildlings and a trusted advisor of his, Lord Davos Seaworth.

Their mission had been to capture a wight, a reanimated corpse infused with the essence of the White Walkers, as proof of the grave threat they posed to all of Westeros.

"My mother will use this as an excuse to lure you south, my love. You know she is too clever, too cunning. She will not let you leave King's Landing alive."

Morgana Baratheon, Queen of the North, looked at her husband, Robb Stark, with pleading eyes. She knew the weight of her words, but she could not hold back the truth. Cersei Lannister was a master manipulator, and Robb's presence in King's Landing would be nothing short of a death sentence.

"My love, I beg you," she continued, her voice trembling with fear and desperation, "do not trust her. My grandfather, Lord Tywin, began this with the Red Wedding. My mother will not hesitate to finish what he started if she gets the chance."

Robb regarded his wife with a mixture of love and determination. He knew she was right, but he could not ignore the gravity of the situation. The threat posed by the White Walkers and their armies of the dead was real, and if he did not act, millions of lives would be lost.

"My lady," he said, taking her hand in his, "I understand your concerns. Your mother is a cunning and dangerous woman. If it makes you feel better, I was thinking of sending Brienne of Tarth. I would not send them unprepared. And I will not abandon my people here, unprotected."

He paused, searching her eyes for any sign of relief. "She is one of the most skilled and trusted warriors in the Seven Kingdoms. She will be a formidable ally for Jon, and I will remain here, at Winterfell, to ensure that our people are safe. I will not let your mother or anyone else harm you or our kingdom."

Morgana listened intently, weighing his words carefully. She knew that Robb was right; Brienne was a fierce and loyal protector. But still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. "Very well, my love," she finally said, her voice steady. "If it means protecting our people, I will trust in Brienne's abilities."

A knock sounded on the door, pulling them from their serious conversation.

"Enter," Robb called out.

The door swung open, revealing Hela, a servant, who Robb and Morgana had met in Volantis. One who was different to most servants. She came from a good background, yet she choose to work for others.

In a way, she reminded Robb and Morgana of their friend, Talisa Maegyr, who had perished at the Red Wedding. But, had been a loyal friend and advisor.

Hela's unique background also meant she was well versed in courtly dynamics. Which is why they had sent her to Dorne to broker an alliance with Prince Doran, for mutual protection and dealings between the two kingdoms, as well as support in the upcoming battle against the dead.

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