Setbacks In Dorne

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Much had happened in Dorne since Ellaria, Arianne and the three eldest Sand Snakes began hatching their plot to crown Morgana Queen.

Ellaria spent much of her time by the side of Oberyn, who had shown significant improvement, but was still unconscious.

The Sand Snakes had continued with what they did best; training.

Meanwhile, Arianne, had wrote to some of her closest confidantes, asking if they were willing to aid her.

It took a bit of convincing, but they had agreed.

She had even met a man, Gerold "Darkstar" Dayne, a member of the High Hermitage cadet branch of the notable House Dayne. A remarkable swordsman and not bad on the eyes either, with his chin length silver hair that had a midnight black streak, aquiline nose, high cheekbones, strong jaw and purple eyes.

Although he was good looking, Arianne was hesitant to trust him completely.

The plan was to wait at the abandoned holdfast of Shandystone. There Arianne and her accomplices; Andrey Dalt (heir to his brother Deziel, a Knight of Lemonwood), Garin (an orphan of the Greenblood), and Sylva Santagar (heir of House Santagar), would await the arrival of Ser Arys Oakheart and Myrcella.

Arys was to smuggle Myrcella out of Sunspear, under the guise of illness, leaving behind her look-a-like, Rosamund Lannister, as well as a stand in for himself.

From there, Arianne planned to head out to the Greenblood and travel with an orphan poleboat westward on that river and the Vaith, then continue by land. The final destination would be Hellholt, the seat of Ellaria Sand's father Harmen Uller, where Arianne intended to declare Morgana as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

She knew it was a big risk to declare Morgana Queen without her in their grasp, unlike Myrcella, but to Arianne, it was a calculated risk they would have to take.

Besides, Cersei's well known love for her children would not allow her daughter to be harmed.

There had already been outcries for her to sit the throne, during Joffrey's reign, once the rumours of her siblings became public knowledge.

Tommen was no Joffrey, so they've been told. Thank the Gods for it.

He wouldn't try to have his sister killed, especially not over the Throne.

Arianne simply saw this as righting a wrong that been made twice over. First, with Joffrey, and now with Tommen.

Arianne became increasing worried as Georld who dismissed her plan as unrealistic and alluded to killing Myrcella as revenge against the Lannisters.

This was nevr part of the plan, and still wasn't.

Only, everything quickly went downhill as their group arrived at the Greenblood.

Her father's captain of guards, Areo Hotah, and a dozen guardsmen emerged from the poleboat.

Arianne and Darkstar wish to yield, but Arys charged the guards and was killed by Areo's longaxe.

While Arianne fell, in desperation and nausea, Gerold Dayne took the opportunity to seriously injure Myrcella, causing a horrific injury to her left ear, then managed to escape Areo's men.

While she was being arrested, Areo told her that someone betrayed her plan, though not who.

Myrcella's disfigurement certainly threw a wrench into Arianne's plans. On top of being arrested, of course.

Arianne held no ill will towards the young girl. She had done nothing wrong, and made her youngest brother, Trystane, very happy.

When they arrived back in Sunspear, Arianne learned her father had imprisoned Ellaria as well as all of her uncle's children, except his fourth born, Sarella, who was not in Dorne.

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