Unexpected Visit

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Private Gardens]

Princess Morgana Baratheon carefully tended to her herbs, her swollen belly a testament to the life growing within her. The sun beat down upon her, warming her skin and bringing out the vibrant colors of the flowers that surrounded her. It was a peaceful oasis, hidden away from the intrigues and machinations of the palace, where she could lose herself in the simple pleasures of nature.

She heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and turned to see Margaery Tyrell, the widow of her brother, Joffrey, and uncle, Renly, and now married to Tommen, making her way towards her. Morgana forced a smile onto her face, hiding her true feelings behind a mask of politeness. She had alwys been wary of Margaery, sensing the calculating nature beneath her charming exterior.

Margaery, the widow of her brother Joffrey and Uncle Renly, and now wed to Tommen, stood before her, a smile plastered on her face. But Morgana was not fooled. She knew that behind those perfectly applied lips and delicately powdered cheeks lay a mind sharper than any sword.

"My dear Morgana," Margaery cooed, I must say, you look positively radiant today. Your health and happiness shine like a beacon."

Morgana inclined her head, accepting the compliment graciously, her heart racing beneath her loose layers of silk and lace. She had long suspected that Margaery was not what she seemed, but she kept her true thoughts well-hidden, lest they be used against her. After all, Margaery was known for her cunning and ambition, and Morgana would not put it past her to scheme her way onto the Iron Throne.

She knew that Margaery was playing the same game of thrones as nearly everyone else in the Seven Kingdoms, only this time, she was using Morgana's youngest as her pawn.

"Thank you, my queen," Morgana replied, her voice even and controlled. "What brings you to my humble gardens?"

"I could ask you the same question, my dear," Margaery replied, her eyes scanning the garden with interest. "I hear you have quite the collection of rare herbs here."

"Just a few of my favorites," Morgana said, gesturing to the various plants around them. "I find solace in tending to them during these difficult times."

"Indeed," Margaery said, her voice heavy with meaning. "It must be hard for you, losing your beloved husband so suddenly. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you to carry on without him."

Morgana's heart raced at the mention of Robb, her husband who was supposedly dead, but was actually living in Volantis with his mother. She forced herself to remain calm, knowing that she couldn't let Margaery suspect anything. She had to keep up the act, no matter how exhausting it might be.

"Yes, it has been a great struggle," Morgana said, her voice trembling slightly. "But I am doing my best to carry on in his memory."

Margaery nodded sympathetically, her eyes nevr leaving Morgana's face. "I know just how you feel. Losing Joffrey was like losing a part of myself. But I have found comfort in my new marriage to Tommen. He is a kind and gentle soul, and he helps me to heal." Margaery glanced around the herbarium, her eyes lingering on the various plants and flowers. "Your herbs are quite impressive, Morgana. I must admit, I am envious of your green thumb."

Morgana raised an eyebrow, her mind working quickly. She had heard rumors that Margaery was searching for a way to secure her place in the Seven Kingdoms, and she wondered if this visit was part of some larger plan. But she said nothing, choosing instead to play along.

"It is a small comfort, given all that has transpired," Morgana replied, her voice heavy with sadness. "But I find that tending to these plants helps me keep my sanity."

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