Dragon Assist

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Tyrion and Daenerys strode through a field towards her dragons.

"You can't! The most important person in the world can't fly to the most dangerous place in the world." Tyrion pleaded.

"Who else can?"

"No one. They knew the risk when they left. You can't win the throne if you're dead. You can't break the wheel if you're dead."

Daenerys began to climb onto Drogon, and turned to him. "So what would you have me do?"

"Nothing. Sometimes nothing is the hardest thing to do. If you die we're all lost. Everyone, everything."

Yes, there was his niece and Daenerys' brother, but both had no inclination for the throne.

"You told me to do nothing before and I've listened to you. I'm not doing nothing again."

She mounted Drogon, and the three dragons took to the sky, while Tyrion watched.

[Beyond The Wall - Frozen Lake]

Sandor looked out to the undead army, before picking up a stone and hurling it into the crowd. It knocked the jawbone off of one of the soldiers.

"Damn cunt." Sandor picked up another rock to throw.

This one slid to the feet of the jawless soldier, who seemed to take measure of it.

"Oh, fuck."

The jawless soldier started to walk across the lake. The brotherhood rose and drew their weapons. More undead soldiers started to advance. Beric lit his sword, and Tormund, Jon, Jorah and Sandor stood ready.

"Fuck it!" Sandor strode to meet the undead soldier, and smashes it with his hammer. Just like that, the battle begun.

Jon and Jorah fought as a team, while the others fought independently, Tormund hewing, Beric slashing and burning the undead soldiers. The jawless soldier rose once again and charged Sandor, who swung his war hammer down on the ice. The jawless soldier falls into the icy water exposed, and disappears beneath the ice. All of the undead soldiers pour towards the island.

The captured Wight continued to struggle. Sandor grunted, tossing down his hammer. He drew a dagger and engaged in closer battle, with Tormund unleashing beside him. Jon and Jorah continued to battle as a pair. Tormund wrestled a soldier from his back, while Beric set one ablaze.

Jon moved to finish the flaming soldier with his sword. He fell onto the captured Wight, defending against a pair of soldiers.

The undead army overwhelmed a Night's Watchman wielding a staff. He was wrestled to the ground, while Beric dispatched soldiers with his flaming sword. They were quickly losing ground.

"Fall back! Fall back!" Jon shouted.

"Come on!" Tormund followed suit.

The brotherhood tries to form a line, but the soldiers were coming too fast.

Tormund wrestled with one soldier, throwing him to the ground. He turned and was jumped by another. He was quickly overwhelmed by a group of soldiers, his face bloodied. Jorah and Sandor wanted to help, but had their hands full. Tormund wrestled free from many of the undead, but two more surfaced from the icy water and grabbed his legs, pulling him into the lake.

"No!" Tormund screamed, gagging, as his legs were pulled into the water, while other soldiers continue to wrestle with him atop the ice. One gets its blade around Tormund's throat, and pins him down, desperate.

Sandor came to his rescue, and pulled him away from the icy water. They shuffled backwards to the line of the brotherhood.

Jon pulled the captive Wight further back, while Sandor, Tormund, Jorah and Beric held the line. The soldiers were coming faster and faster. Jon continued to retreat, dragging the Wight, but he was attacked by a soldier that had made it through the line. Jon dispatched him with a stab to the gut.

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