Setting Sail

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Outside, the sky was beginning to lighten with the first rays of dawn. The ship waited patiently in the harbor, its sails billowing gently in the morning breeze. Morgana and Hela made their way down the gangplank and onto the deck. As they took in the sight of the Sea Bride, they felt a sense of both excitement and trepidation coursing through their veins.

Robb stood at the helm, his strong features etched with determination. He turned to face them as they approached, a smile of greeting on his lips. "You've met Hela, then?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "I trust you've told her everything she needs to know?"

Catelyn shot her daughter-in-law a warning glance, but Morgana merely smiled reassuringly. "Yes, she knows the gist of it," she replied. "She's eager to help us on our quest."

The morning breeze carried the scent of salt and seaweed, mingling with the calls of gulls wheeling overhead. The crew of the Sea Bride busied themselves with the tasks of setting sail, their movements efficient and practiced. Even in the dim light of dawn, it was clear that Lord Vance had spared no expense in equipping his vessel for the journey north.

As they prepared to cast off, Morgana turned to Hela and found her studying the ship with interest. "You've never been on a ship like this, have you?" she asked, noting the woman's obvious fascination. Hela shook her head, her silver hair falling over her shoulders like a waterfall.

The Sea Bride was indeed a marvel of craftsmanship, its hull carved from the heart of a single, ancient tree. Its sails were woven from spider silk, so fine that they could catch the slightest breath of wind, and its masts towered above them like the trunks of giant redwoods. Even the deck was crafted from rare and exotic woods, inlaid with intricate designs that seemed to dance before their eyes. Its figurehead - a fierce dragon's head carved from pale wood , its eyes aglint with gold and jade - seemed to stare out over the bow, as if daring the ocean to challenge them.

As they sailed northward, the crew worked in harmony, their voices raised in song as they hauled on ropes and trimmed sails. The rhythm of the waves against the hull lulled Hela into a sense of calm, and she found herself drawn to the rail, watching the ocean stretch out before her like a vast, endless tapestry. Morgana and Catelyn sat nearby, sharing stories about their lives before the war, their voices low and intimate. Robb stood at the helm, his strong, newly tanned hands guiding the ship expertly through the choppy waters.

Elana, the handmaiden, moved about the deck with a grace that belied her years, helping the crew when needed and keeping an eye on the supplies. She seemed to have taken a liking to Hela, and the two women often found themselves laughing together over cups of spiced wine, trading stories of their lives before they had come to serve Morgana and Robb.

As the days passed, the Sea Bride sailed ever northward, skirting the coast of the Free Cities and then turning westward into the open ocean. The air grew colder and saltier, and the waves became more turbulent. The crew worked harder, their muscles straining against the increasingly harsh elements. Hela, though not accustomed to such a life, proved herself to be a quick learner and a valuable asset, earning their respect with her strength and determination.

Catelyn, for her part, found herself watching Hela with a mixture of fascination and suspicion. There was something about the woman that set her nerves on edge, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Morgana seemed to trust her, and Robb appeared to be fond of her, so Catelyn resolved to keep an eye on her nonetheless.

As they sailed deeper into the heart of the Summer Sea, the air grew warmer and more humid, the waves gentler and more placid. The crew of the Sea Bride relaxed, shedding their heavy cloaks and coats, revealing the dark tattoos that covered their bodies. They were a superstitious lot, these sailors, and Catelyn found their stories and customs both fascinating and unsettling.

Hela, however, seemed to fit in seamlessly. She had taken to the life at sea with an ease that surprised even Morgana. She worked tirelessly, helping to navigate the ship and learning the secrets of sailing from the experienced crew. Catelyn found herself watching the woman more closely, trying to discern what it was that made her so comfortable in this unfamiliar environment.

As they sailed northward, the crew regaled them with stories of the lands they had seen and the creatures they had encountered. Hela listened intently, her dark eyes glinting with curiosity, and often added her own tales of the mysterious places she had visited in her past.

Robb and Morgana spent long hours plotting their strategy, poring over maps and discussing their plans for the recapture of Winterfell. Hela could sense the determination and courage emanating from them, and it filled her with a sense of pride and loyalty. She knew that they were capable leaders, and that their success would mean not only the reclamation of their home, but also the restoration of the honour and glory that had been so cruelly stolen from them.

Meanwhile, Catelyn found herself drawn to Hela, despite her initial reservations. There was something about the woman's enigmatic presence that intrigued her. As they sat together on deck, watching the sun set over the Summer Sea, Catelyn felt compelled to share some of her memories with Hela, stories of her life in Winterfell and the loves she had lost. Hela listened attentively, her dark eyes never leaving Catelyn's face, and offered words of comfort and encouragement when appropriate.

The days passed, and the Sea Bride sailed evrr northward, hugging the coastline as they neared their destination. The crew grew more tense and focused, their eyes constantly scanning the horizon for any sign of movement or activity that might betray the presence of enemies. Hela, however, remained calm and collected, her movements graceful and fluid as she went about her duties. She seemed to embody a sense of inner strength that Catelyn found both admirable and unnerving.

One afternoon, as they were sailing through a narrow strait between two rocky outcroppings, a lone raven swooped down from the sky and landed on the deck before them. The bird's feathers were matted and dirty, and its eyes were wild with exhaustion. Catelyn's heart skipped a beat as she read the message that it bore. The bird had come from Lord Manderly, and it held news of grave importance: Rickon was being held captive at Winterfell, under the control of Ramsay Bolton.

The Manderlys had feigned obeisance to the Boltons in order to be privy to their actions and plans.

Hela, sensing the urgency of the situation, took it upon herself to devise a plan for rescuing Rickon from Winterfell. Drawing on her years of experience as a warrior and a strategist, she devised a daring scheme that would involve infiltrating the castle under the guise of a trade caravan. The plan hinged on their ability to convince the guards at the gate that they were harmless merchants, and not an army bent on reclaiming what was rightfully theirs.

Catelyn was hesitant at first, unsure if Hela's plan was wise given the potential risks involved. However, Morgana and Robb both trusted Hela implicitly, and so she found herself reluctantly agreeing to follow the woman's lead. As they continued to sail northward, Hela worked tirelessly, gathering information about the castle's defenses and planning their approach.

The Sea Bride hugged the coastline, staying within sight of land as they drew closer to their destination. The crew tensed with anticipation, their eyes constantly scanning the horizon for any sign of movement or activity that might betray the presence of enemies. Hela, however, remained calm and focused, her movements fluid and graceful as she went about her duties. She seemed to embody a sense of inner strength that was both reassuring and unnerving to Catelyn.

But, if it helped avenge her family, so be it

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