Retaliation & Resiliance

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[Winterfell - Great Hall]

The sky above Winterfell was painted a mournful shade of gray, as if even the heavens were grieving for the loss of summer. King Robb Stark and Queen Morgana Baratheon sat on their matching thrones, their hands clasped tightly together, their eyes fixed on the raven that had just landed on the parapet. The bird, its feathers ruffled by the icy wind, bore news that threatened to tear their world apart.

"What does it say?" the queen asked.

"It seems that Daenerys has retaliated against our enemies," the king replied, his voice steady but his face showed his clear confliction. "She and her allies have attacked the Lannister army as they fled Highgarden with looted food and gold." He paused. "It seems she has taken revenge for the attacks on her own allies and the sinking of her ships during the battle for Casterly Rock."

Queen Morgana's brow furrowed. "And what of Jon? He is still on Dragonstone. We should hear from him soon, shouldn't we?"

King Robb nodded. "That is the hope, my queen. We must send another raven immediately, urging him to return to Winterfell. It is imperative that he be here to advise us on how best to proceed. And," he added with a hint of concern, "I'm sure he'd want to know about Arya's return as well."

"Indeed," Queen Morgana agreed. "You did tell me Jon and Arya were always close growing up. It's only natural that he'd want to see her again." She paused, contemplative.

King Robb nodded, his expression grave. "We must also consider the implications of Daenerys' actions. If she continues to retaliate against our allies and enemies alike, it could lead to an all-out war between the two factions. Dragonstone and King's Landing are not far apart. We must tread carefully." He sighed heavily, rubbing at his eyes before looking up at the queen once more. "I fear for Jon's safety. He is caught between two fires, as it were."

Queen Morgana placed a comforting hand on her husband's knee. "We must trust in his judgment and wisdom, my love. Jon has always been a level-headed man. He will know how to navigate these treacherous waters." She paused, considering. "We cannot risk anything happening to Jon or Daenerys before they can forge an alliance."

The king nodded, his expression somber. "You're right, my queen. We must do everything in our power to ensure their safety. Perhaps we should send a small detachment of our most trusted guards with Jon, to protect him on his journey back to Dragonstone." He looked up at the queen, hopeful that she would agree to the proposal.

Queen Morgana considered the idea for a moment before replying. "That might be wise, husband. We can send a dozen of our best men-at-arms, under the command of Ser Harwin. He's proven himself loyal and competent in the past. I trust his judgment." She sighed heavily, her gaze drifting back to the raven that still perched on the parapet. "The winds of change are blowing, Robb. We must be ready for whatever comes our way."

"When the snow falls and white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives," Robb recited the mantra his father had ingrained in him and his siblings.

Queen Morgana smiled sadly. "Yes, your father was a wise man. I only wish he were here with us now." She took a deep breath, steeling herself against the grief that threatened to overwhelm her.

The king rose from his throne, his broad shoulders squaring as he walked around the dais to stand beside his queen. "We must not dwell on what we cannot change," he said, laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Our duty is to forge ahead, to lead our people through these dark times. We must be strong for our children."

Queen Morgana looked up at her husband, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yes, you're right," she whispered, forcing a smile. "We must remain strong. For the sake of the realm and our children." She paused, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. "Then let us send our raven to Jon, and our guards to protect him. We will await his return, and hope that he can bring peace to these troubled lands."

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