Chapter 2

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"Mom, how much has Delhi changed in 14 years?" I asked. "Yes Yuvi, everything has changed a lot but in America I was just breathing, for me living a life means living in this city," she said.

"Mom, you are telling this to the one who had left the motive of his life here.Our Yuvi was busy only in work and making his name in America, he will start living his life there with his life, Am I right bro?" Tanay bhai said.

"Stop it bhai! Why don't you leave even a single reason to tease me? You have found your own love there and are jealous of the lovelife of others", I said clenching my jaw.

"Tanay , who is that girl for whom he is so crazy that he never even looks at any other girl?" Adriel asked, he is the chief designer of my company and my best friend.

"Adriel, That girl is Yuvi's father's friend's daughter, her name is Ishika Awasthi," Mom replied and started telling story to everyone :-

"You guys know ,Yuvi has been an angry type of child since childhood, neither speaking much to anyone nor listening much to anyone, just wandering within himself. He was 4 years old when Ishika was born. When we took Yuvi to meet Ishika for the first time, he was not going, his Dad took him forcefully.

My doll was 6 months old when Yuvi saw her for the first time. She was sleeping and playing on the bed. He kept looking at her.He just couldn't get away from her.My son, who never cries, hugged her and cried for straight two hours when she accidentally fell off the bed.

Till Ishika was old enough to go to school, he used to go to her house from school and his father used to bring him back at night after he fell asleep.And when she grew up a little, she also did not leave Yuvi even for a short while.Both of them used to take their school lunch with each other's favorite dishes.Yuvi was small but he took care of her as if he was big. If Yuvi has never talked to someone in a loud voice or in anger, then she is Ishika."

"Ohh Aunty! That means he loves her more than me," Adriel said looking at me. "Adriel! Are you a nutcase or something? When did I tell you that I love you? Get out of your imagination", I said with my eyes widened.

"Mom, tell me one thing, when they are so close, then why did they never call, they never came to meet us," Bhabhi asked, Yes Tanay Bhai got married and blessed with a cute little angel and my butter Siya, she is 6 years old.

"I don't know why they didn't contact us a few days after we left for America and after that we were stuck in financial crises. We tried to contact them but to no avail. I don't know why they did this. I will not forgive Tara for this." Mom said tears formed in her eyes but she managed to hide it from everyone else.

"Chhoti maa, let's go to meet them right now," Advit said he is my dad's elder brother's son and my cousin but Mom refused saying that "it is so late in the night that we are going to reach our home after so many years and we will go tomorrow," Mom said .

"Chhoti maa please let's go naa, I want to meet her, I can't control my excitement and it's not very late". He said while making a puppy face to convince Mom.

"No Advit, we will go tomorrow and you are not more excited than your brother. Go to the room, freshen up and come quickly otherwise the food will get cold," Mom said to him .

He pouted looking at Mom when she told him to go and went to the room.

"Mom, how many memories have been associated with this house of our childhood and we had more fun in Awasthi House than here. I missed Delhi so much", Tanay bhai said.

"Adriel and Advit finish your food and come with me to the office", I said getting up from the dining table.

"But Bhai it's very late and I am too tired, I can't even walk properly. Can't we go to the office tomorrow in the morning", Advit told me and Adriel supported him.

"No, not tomorrow, we have to go now, here we opened the first and main branch of IYS in India. A lot of things remain to be checked,And there is a lot of work too, anyway we are not free tomorrow", I informed them.

Both of them got up from their places and went to the office with me. I drove my car to the office and they were sitting in the back seat.

As soon as we entered the office, the employees who had not yet gone home greeted us and I went straight to my cabin and both of them went to their cabin .

My assistant was already waiting for me. "Schedule", I said as I entered . He told me everything I have to finish before tomorrow.

"Mr.Batra,what happened to the deal with William?Where did the matter reach?" I asked while sitting on my chair.

"Sir I actually.......actua........." he stammered.

"What the hell are you trying to say and I am telling you for the first and last time, I don't like to wait. So as soon as you ask,answer me immediately", I shouted at him.

He nodded.

"Now tell me, what happened about that deal?", I ordered.

"Sir Actually, William and Co. want us to give them 50% of the profit only then they will deal with us otherwise they will cancel the deal", he informed me.

Hearing his words I rubbed my head to keep calm myself and said "They have so much courage that now they will put demand in front of Yuvraj Suryavanshi. Now immediately tell them that I want to talk to Mr.William, till now they do not know properly who I am?"

After some time, Mr.Batra fixed an online meeting with Mr. William.

"How are you Mr. Suryavanshi ?What happened that the CEO of IYS needed to talk to me?" He said from the other side.

"Keep your feet on the ground Mr.William because the sky belongs only to Yuvraj Suryavanshi and you know very well what I do to anyone who even wants to touch Yuvraj Suryavanshi's things", I warned him.

"By the way Mr. William I have some videos in which you are sleeping with Stark's wife, should I do to send them to Stark?And also a report which shows how much scam you did in the last year and how much money you gave to the bank's employees. My drawer is full of these reports. Now I send them to your partners and empty my drawer. How long will I keep this junk? What do you say Mr. William?", I asked and it was clear from his face that he had lost his senses, his face had turned pale and he was sweating.

"Don't you dare to do that Yuvraj Suryavanshi", he said in threatening tone. "Are you threatening me? Ohh Mr. William, I got scared of you".

"Please don't do this, my company will be ruined", he pleaded in front of me. "Okay, I won't do anything like that but you will have to sign a deal with me and that is now with 0% profit" I put my demand in front of him .

"Ok I am ready, tomorrow my man will go and bring the deal paper from your company and I will sign it but you did not do this well Mr. Suryavanshi". He said with a hanging face .

"Ohh Mr. William, Everything is fair in love and war. I had earlier offered you 10% profit but you did not agree, So now I regret your luck,Bye". Saying that I cut the call and finished all my pending work. Advit and Adriel had gone home 3 hours ago. It is 2:30 at night, now I am also going home.


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