Chapter 24

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"Princess stop running, I promise Dad will bring 20 frocks for you but you have to finish your food for this" a lady was running behind a 7 year old girl.

That little girl looked behind and said "No mumma, I wanted that frock only Summa got that frock for me"

"" that girl entered into a room and hugged the torso of the man who was talking on the phone

"What happened to my princess? Did mumma scold you again? He picked that girl in his lap.

"No Dad but mumma was asking me to finish the food but I don't want to eat, please Dad help me" that made the puppy face. The man smiled and pulled that girl's cheeks "let's go princess"

That lady was coming towards them but her leg slipped and she fell.


"Mumma.....mum...maa....... mummaaaaaa" I screamed and woke up from my sleep,thank god it was a dream and I was sweating badly.

"Suddenly two hands wrapped around my shoulder "Bad Dream?" the one who was holding me asked. I opened my eyes and Suman Aunty was hugging me.

I just hummed and she started caressing my hair"it's okay Ruh, everything is fine". "Ruh" I murmured and looked at her, I don't know why but I felt emotional when she called me Ruh.

She wiped the sweat buds from my forehead and face with her Aanchal "Sumaa" out of nowhere came out of my mouth. She, her eyes widened at my words "What did you say".

Her eyes were filled with all kinds of emotions and I was trying to find a word for them but I failed "Sumaa" again this word slipped from my tongue.

She embraced me and I could feel the tears flowing from her eyes due to her sobbing. Did I hurt? Why did I call her that? "I'm sorry" I said and she made me look at her "Sorry for what beta".

"I didn't mean to call you Sumaa, I didn't know why I called you, I know Mehak used to call you Sumaa that's why you get emotional, I'm sorry, I will nev...." I was saying but she put her hands on my mouth.

"Shhh, you have thought of everything yourself,let me speak too" she removed her hand from my mouth and added "I got emotional because you called me Sumaa after so many years".

"Why are you sleeping here in the hall while reading Ruh, didn't you sleep well at night and
Yuvi went to the office today without meeting me, was there something urgent?" She asked me.

"Didn't he even tell you where he was?" I held my book on my lap and kept it aside."No, he didn't. I thought he went to the office early in the morning," she said.

"No Sumaa, I had asked Advit to find out if Yuvraj was in the office but he didn't tell me anything till now" He disappeared from midnight and he didn't even tell his mom.

"Ok,ok Advit will be in his room, let's go and ask him if he found something about him or not" we both were about to stand, "No need to go in my room I came here and Bhabhi, I Bhai is not in the office"

"Where is Khanna?" I asked to Advit.

"Khanna is also in his quarters and guards told me that they saw bhai going out at midnight" he said and saw us the message of Khanna.

"Maybe, he will be with Adriel, call him and ask," Sumaa suggested and Advit was about to call him when I took his phone.

"No Sumaa, first of all I called Ri and asked him whether Yuvraj was with him or not but he said he didn't know where he was? Let him come today".

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