Chapter 31

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"Lisel Taylor got married to someone close to Shekhawat may be one of Shekhawat's relatives two months ago" Adriel stated and put the file with some pictures in front of Yuvraj "your fucking good brother spent millions of dollars just to kept this news hidden".

Lisel Taylor is the mother of Devyan and Advit and the ex-wife of his late uncle Vivek Suryavanshi. They got divorce and after that she took both Advit and Devyan with herself but after 3 years their Dadu took them back from her after giving her the amount she demanded.

"He didn't tell me anything related to this then how did you know?" Yuvraj asked looking at the photographs which was in his hand "because I'm not a fucking love sick asshole like you who didn't even think about anything except his wife" Adriel stated.

Yuvraj smirked looking at him"Tell me straight away that you are jealous of my lovelife" Adriel rolled his eyes and snatched the file from his hand "Yeah the lovelife which is based on one sided love, Ru doesn't even love you and by the way I'm more experienced in dating than you. I had a number of girlfriends".

Yuvraj didn't take a second to reply "but you don't have a wife" he added "who loves you ".

Adriel chuckled at his friend's words "Come out of your delusion Yuvraj Suryavanshi, your wife doesn't love you, I bet she loves her plushie toy Minnie more than you ".

"Ouch, that's low, even for you, Adriel," Yuvraj said, feigning hurt. "But you're wrong. My Ishi loves me. She just has a...unique way of showing it."

Adriel snorted. "Yeah, a unique way that involves ignoring you most of the time and spending more time with her stuffed animals than with you." Active imagination, huh? Sounds more like a one-sided fantasy to me."

Yuvraj glared at him. "You're just jealous because you can't handle a woman for a long time, none of your relationships lasted more than 2 weeks "

Adriel smirked. "First of all I never dated anyone, the girls take casual hook ups as relationships. But at least I'm not living in a fantasy world where my wife actually loves me."

Yuvraj opened his mouth to retort, but then he stopped when his phone rang and after attending the call he smirked widely "Now wait and see what I do except being a lovesick.

Adriel looked at him, surprised till then a man in his twenties wearing a white polo t-shirt and black pants entered "How dare you do this with me Yuvraj" he shouted, his voice echoing through the dimly lit room.

Yuvraj's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint in them. "Keep your voice low, Rudra," he growled, his voice a low rumble. "Don't forget where you are standing and who is in front of you."

Rudra's anger simmered "Why did Suryavanshi and Co. ask Arora's to fill the tender against my company "

Yuvraj's lips curled into a smirk. "You should have to talk to the Suryavanshi and Co. staff or owner regarding this" he said, his voice laced with amusement. "I'm not responsible for anything they do, I don't handle that company and there is no branch or office of Suryavanshi and Co. in India"

Rudra clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. He knew Yuvraj was playing around. Because Advit is the COO of the company and he was sure that Advit wouldn't do this and Nirman Virmani is the Ceo of the company .

I won't leave you," Rudra muttered, forcing himself to calm down. "But I would fucking destroy you,just wait and watch" Yuvraj chuckled and said "You can't catch me "

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