Chapter 27

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"Sir, Mr. Arora's P.A just informed me that they filled the tender against RS industries. Mr. Batra put the file on my table"

"Good, Which studio are we going to do a photoshoot of our new collection? Who is going to be our lead model?" I asked as I turned the pages of the file.

"Sir, we collab with' Frames and Flashes Studios' for the photoshoot. They have a great reputation in the industry and have worked with many renowned brands. As for the lead model, we have finalized not yet"

In a fit of rage, I hurled the file across the room, my veins throbbing with anger. "What the hell is going on here? Who is leading this project?" I demanded, my voice trembling with frustration. "The new collection is about to launch, and we still haven't finalized the lead model!"

Mr. Batra started stammering "Sir, A..dvit sir is lea..ding t..his proje..ct, he said he will decide about the replacement of Naina Tyagi for the photoshoot but he didn't tell anything from now"

"Tell him to be in my cabin in five minutes " I said in anger and Mr. Batra ran out. Before five minutes, Advit entered ruffling his hair with his hands "Bhai, did you call me?"

"First of all, behave yourself, you are the managing director of this company and tell me why you didn't finalize the model for the next photoshoot," I said, trying to calm down.

"I am sorry Bhai " he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I told the project manager to short out some models but I forgot to take the list from her "

"Forgot?" I scoffed. "IYS has to launch new collections, and you're telling me you forgot about the model ? This is unacceptable!"

I paced back and forth in front of him, my anger growing with each step. "I need answers, Advit, Who is responsible for this mess?"

Advit took a deep breath and met my gaze. "Ultimately, it's my responsibility, Bhai. I should have been ensuring that we had a lead model finalized by now."

I stared at him for a moment, my anger slowly giving way to a sense of disappointment. " You know what Advit, you become careless, you don't have sense of responsibility" "I will talk to Dad and within in 2 days you are going to resign the post of Managing director of IYS and will become COO of Suryavanshi Industries "

He was shocked at my sudden decision "No bhai, I don't want to work under Devyan Bhai '' he hugged me "let me work in IYS, Devyan Bhai will eat me raw on my silly mistakes' '.

"This silly trick or emotional blackmail of yours is not gonna work anymore and if you will go to the Mom cry like a baby then this time be prepared to leave India" I pulled myself from the hug and left my cabin.


My life becomes a mess, a complete mess, the more I am trying to put my life in the normal track the more it is getting out of track. I had never planned my future like this and never thought that so many unexpected things would happen in my life.

Despite bad dreams, some vague memories, panic attacks, yet I was living a better life with my friends. My parents had forbidden me from many things which they gave to Mehak. Dad and Mehak used to handle the family business together.I had nothing else to think about except my studies and career. Yes, sometimes I was scared of that psycho but still everything was fine.

"Ruh where are you zone out? Are you ill?" Sumaa put her hand on head to check my temperature " Let me called doctor to do your check up"

She was about to call, I took her phone "Sumaa relax I'm totally fine" she sat beside me "Then why are you wearing high neck full sleeves top?"

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