Chapter 30

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                              A a r u s h i

Ok, now I will take a break and after that I will revise 20 more pages" I leaned my head on the book. Studying for exams is tough but preparing for competitive exams is a different kind of pain in students' asses. After two months I have my entrance exam for post graduate.

And for the past 4 hours I've been studying. Basically my mood is off, that's why I am studying. Five days ago I got injured and the wound healed completely and that same day I felt something strange towards Yuvraj. Technically it's not wrong but emotionally it's wrong when he is in love with someone who's not me.

But the thing which is ruining my mental peace is that I didn't feel a little bit of attraction towards any man I met in my life, I only felt emotions towards that boy in my dreams or nightmares whatever. I cried, felt sad and happy whenever that little blue faced boy felt. But things are different, I never confessed to myself but I felt a pang in my heart the first time I saw Mehak or his Ishika hug him.

I felt like he betrayed me, I felt like I was the one who waited for him, I was the one who wanted him to look at me sometimes and feeling all this about a man your sister was getting married to is forbidden. That's when I decided to maintain a distance with him till their wedding.

But destiny played with me and to save my parents I got married to him and after that I started hating him. I thought he would torcher me, cage me and with some limits he didn't let me talk to my parents. But he never insulted me , although he never made fun of my panic attacks.

But from yesterday he is behaving differently , I asked him about that and he only said 'office stressed'. But it seems like something more, Advit came back early from his trip, Ri (Adriel) was in America, he was going to settle his company soon here.

I didn't know when sleep engrossed me and I woke up when I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. I didn't open my eyes because I knew who the owner of the lips was. I opened mine a little when I felt that touch disappear and saw him closing and putting my books in their places.

I closed my eyes again when I saw him coming towards me, he caressed my hair and I felt goosebumps on my body when his hot breath fanned over my neck "Open your eyes Bacha" he whispered in my ears.

I tried hard to control myself from smiling and at some level I succeeded but I opened my eyes when I felt something touching my waist. I looked and found it was paper which was folded in some parts and then my eyes fell on him who was smirking looking at me "Are you avoiding me?".

"Ohh, look who is asking the one who didn't even call me once today" I snatched that paper from his hand and threw it away. It's weird but I am angry because he didn't even text me once and usually he calls me at least ten times a day just to ask if I'm fine or not.

"So my baby is angry at me?" I gasped "Don't call me that" when holding my waist he picked me up from the chair, to prevent myself from falling I wrapped my hands around his neck and encircled his hands around my waist "What? Baby" he raised his brows.

I shook my head "No, don't call me yours" he just stared at me for a couple of seconds and kissed my forehead again and lowered his head near my ear "But you are mine from always" his husky voice sent shivers down my spine .

I was just trying to think why did he say that I'm in that serious tone when his voice broke my thoughts "Did you have dinner?". "No" I said and he nodded as he made his way out from the library and headed towards downstairs. I was just ogling at him, he had changed into his usual clothes getting rid of formals.

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