Chapter 18

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Yuvraj sat hunched over a chair in his library, his fingers mechanically typing on the keyboard as his mind raced. The words on the screen blurred together, his thoughts consumed by the argument he'd had with Aarushi

He had tried to focus on his work, to drown out the turmoil within him, but it was no use. The fight had left him shaken, his emotions raw and exposed. He couldn't concentrate, couldn't think straight.

Yuvraj took a sip from the glass of whiskey on his desk, hoping to numb the pain, to dull the sharp edges of his thoughts. But the alcohol only served to fuel his anxiety, making his heart pound even faster.

He picked up the whiskey glass and threw it on the ground. Then, the library door opened, and Suman was standing at the door.


"Mom", he got up from his place and went to hug her. "I ruined everything," he said as he hugged her more tightly.

"Shhh Nothing is ruined, everything is fine," Suman said as she supported Yuvraj, who was sobbing on her shoulder. She had never seen him cry ever since he met Ishika in childhood, he never cried because he used to say that if he cried then who would take care of Ishika? Suman was worried after seeing his condition.

"Yuvraj, what happened son, won't tell you Mom" Her words convey a sense of love and concern equally. He wiped his tears and sat on the couch with Suman beside him.

"I will tell you everything, but first you swear that you will not tell this to anyone, not even Dad." Suman looked at him with suspicious eyes but she nodded.

"Mom, It's about Ishika," he said.

"Where is Ishika? Is she okay? did you meet her?" Suman bombarded him with questions all at once.

Yuvraj's statement was blunt and assertive, "Aarushi is Ishika," leaving Suman in a state of shock. It felt as though the ground beneath her feet had crumbled, leaving her disoriented and struggling to process the significance of what she had just heard.

He looked at her situation and then said
"Yes Mom, Mehak is not Ishika, Aarushi is".



" Mahesh uncle, bhai was telling me that you had something very important to talk to me," I asked him.

"Yes Beta " he replied, his voice heavy with concern, "Don't get married, I have something to tell you about Ishika Baby"

My heart sank" What happened?" I ask my voice

"The girl you are going to get married to is not Ishika baby, she is Mehak aka Nisha ", Mahesh uncle explained "Aarushi baby whom everyone thinks is Anand Sir's daughter is actually Ishika baby, she is Tara Madam and Aditya Sir's real daughter not Mehak is. "

I was not prepared for his words but the truth caused a rippling shock in my body, he continued "14 years ago the car accident in which Tara Madam and Aditya sir died. They were going to America to live with you guys because Ishika baby was in a very bad condition here without you, Ishika baby survived in that accident but she was in a coma for two years and she lost all her memories".

Tears welled up in my eyes " When she lost her memory, these people changed her entire identity?" He nodded at my words and said "Yes they changed her name and replaced her with Mehak, and Ishika baby, she is living her life by trusting those people who are unaware of all these things and considering them as her family"

He joined his hands in front of me and said"I wanted to tell you this for so long but I didn't get the chance, don't get married to Mehak baby, save Ishika baby from them, I don't know why they did this but they want something bad for Ishika baby".

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