Chapter 7

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"Vaidu, wake up, till when will you sleep? It's 8 o'clock and your phone has been ringing since long. At least get up and answer the call", I told her while drying my hair.

"You go take a bath I will wake up by then and if there is no call from my family members, keep my phone in silent mode", she said and her voice was still sleepy.

"Princess, I took a bath a long time ago, now I am getting ready and going down, you also get up and freshen up and the call is coming from your kingdom's minister, not from your family members " I said.

Hearing my words, she got up in panic and quickly received her call and why not, the minister's call means some problem, I did not disturb her and went for breakfast.

I wished everyone good morning and told Dad that "I have talked to the wedding planner and will reach your office today. You and Mehak together will decide what to do".

"I don't have time to decide all this, you plan everything according to your taste, I always like whatever you choose, I have to go to Yuvraj's office today to finalize the outfits for all the wedding functions", Mehak said.

"Bro, you are getting married and you don't have time to do all this, are you kidding with me?I mean if I was getting married in your place then I would have decided every single thing on my own and not on my sister or anyone else." I asked in surprise.

Mehak got up from her chair and said angrily "you will never get married to Yuvraj, he is only mine since childhood and will always be mine, you can't be on my place, I won't let you take him away from me".

"Mehu calm down, I just said casually and why would I like to snatch him from you, you both love each other and you know naa I am not saying anything just for your sake, otherwise I don't like him at all"

She certainly hugged me and said" I am sorry, don't take my words seriously. I am just a little possessive for him. You know what I have become after mom and dad left."

"I am going to the office and after signing some documents I will leave for Yuvraj's office, Chachu you will take care of the rest," she said ,picked up her purse and a file and went away.

"Good morning Aunty! Good morning Aaru!" Vri said while giving me a side hug. "Good morning, sit here beta, I am preparing tea for you both and did you sleep well at night?" Mom asked and she nodded.

"What is the plan for today, even our outfits are not final and the functions are starting from day after tomorrow, we will have to do all the work quickly", Vri asked.

"Yes, I realized that we don't have time, today we will go for jewellery shopping  . Advit, Bhabhi and Adriel will also coming with us" I informed her. We had our breakfast and then we left for shopping.


"Ishi, did you like your wedding lehanga"I asked her with hesitation because I especially design this lehanga for her. "No Yuvraj , it's in the pastel colour I want to wear red on my special day" her words made me a little bit sad.

"It's okay you don't have to worry, this whole company is yours, you see the other options and if you still don't like anything,then I will design it for you as you want," I said and sat behind her.

The staff brought another lehenga whose design was not yet out in the market, after seeing 7 or 8 lehengas, she smiled
and said " I like that red and golden lehanga, I will wear this and that's final"

"If you want this then okay, I am happy in whatever you are happy with" I said and she hugged me, I hugged her back when she said" Yuvraj, will you come with me for shopping, bhabhi was insisting me to join and I don't want to go alone, please". "Okay let's go" I said and hold her hand.

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