Chapter 10

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"Mahesh uncle, are you sure? Is what you are saying true?" I asked him nervously because he told me something very strange.

"I swear to my children that I am telling the truth, I don't have any proof but it's true", he said. "Okay fine ,If this is true then I will see what to do, you go now, I am also going, wedding functions are about to start" I came inside and met some of our very close family friends.

"Yuvraj , you are looking like a groom today", Rudra said "Dumbass I am not looking like a groom, I am the groom", I replied, "that's what I wanted to hear from you, tell me how it feels, I mean are you nervous?" he asked

"I am feeling quite different because today I am the centre of attraction and I am more happy than nervous that Ishika and I are going to get married", I said and he murmured something under his breath which I couldn't hear.

"What did you say, Rudra?" I asked him, he remained silent for a few seconds and then said "I was saying that at least someone is getting what they want" "what do you mean by someone" I asked. "I mean, I also want to get married but Aarushi is not ready right now" he said.

"That means she isn't ready now but she wants to marry you " I asked, he denied and said" you know there are some girls who start flying when they get attention and she is the one, but it doesn't matter, she will marry me only by hook and by crook, she is mine only"

Hearing his words, suddenly anger burst inside me, I don't know why? I held the collar of his kurta, slightly pulled him towards me and said "don't you dare to hurt her and if you ever try to do something without her consent, I won't even think twice before killing you and one more thing she deserves the attention she gets, she isn't like other girls who pushed herself on men, she has a standard and I don't think you are the man she wants".

"Yuvraj left my collar, I am getting problem in breathing " he said breathing heavily and I left his collar. After getting his breath normal he asked" why are caring about her, it's my own problem I will deal with it there is no need of you to interfere "

"Do you fucking think Rudra, you can stop me to whatever you want, let's do one thing try do something wrong with her then I will show you how to cut someone in 206 pieces with every bone separate " I smirked and he asked" why are you being possessive about her? I don't think you both are friends atleast "

I didn't even know why I said all that, this girl is making me insane, I think she knows some black magic,I'll talk to her once I get married "Yuvraj answer my question" Rudra said " watch your mouth,I am not answerable to you or anyone, so behave Rudra Suryavanshi" I said and headed towards Ishika's room

I knocked on the door and she asked me to come inside. "Yuvi, how am I looking, do you like it or not?" she asked and twirled to show her attire to me.

She looked beautiful, dressed like a bride in that red pair, but my heart did not beat on seeing her like it did on seeing Aarushi, my eyes didn't refuse to take off her I didn't know but something is wrong with me and I have to correct it as soon as possible.

I looked at Ishi, she was looking nervous, sweat buds were forming on her forehead, she was looking disturbed by something. I held her hand and asked "Are you hiding something from me? Is there something you should tell me and you're not". I didn't want to hear lies from her mouth but she cleverly looked into my eyes and said "No darling, I am not hiding anything from you, you are my love I am more loyal to you than myself ".

I cupped her cheeks, placed a kiss on her forehead and said "okay baby, enjoy your last moments in this house after sometimes your life is going to change completely be prepared and take some rest".

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