Chapter 9

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Finally, after all the small functions are over,today is my wedding, I am going to fulfill the promise I made to my Ishi 14 years ago. Timaa and Papa, I hope you will be happy with this decision of mine and I promise to give her all the happiness she deserves. I was getting ready in the room when Mom came in and asked me if I am ready ? I nodded looking at her.

"Yuvi seat I have something important to tell you", she said and I sat beside her. "Look Yuvi, you are so intelligent, yet let me tell you that from today you are going to make a new beginning in your life. Earlier there was only you in your life, but from today Ishika is also going to be a part of your life, so now along with work, you will have to find time for her too. You have to make her feel safe and comfortable around you more, Are you getting my point?" she asked .

"Yes mom, don't worry, I won't let her hurt you even a little bit". There was a smile on her face after listening to me. "Okay, now I'll go, I have a lot of work to do" saying this, she kissed my head and went away.

Come on Yuvraj Suryavanshi, You have to do a lot of things and today you will see your Ishika in the lehenga. Oh my god I can't control my excitement. I was talking to myself. Then Adriel came into my room while laughing like mad.

He lay on my bed and was still laughing. "What happened to you? Why are you having this epileptic fit?" I asked while combing my hair.

" ....if... I..t...tell... ..
Somehow he completed his sentence.

"If you want to tell then tell, otherwise keep your mouth shut because I'm in no mood to listen to nonsense right now" I told him, he glared at me then said"Your cousin is Rudra, he will propose to Aarushi after your wedding with her sister "

"But why?" I screamed, "dude, he is not going to propose your girl, then why are you reacting like a bastard?" he asked with widened eyes and honestly I don't know why I screamed. But he started saying again" you know the fun fact is that she doesn't like him even a little and she is gonna break her hurt "

"She is going to do right with him he deserves this I admit I am the type of guy who doesn't believe in this lovey shit but the way he treats Aarushi it seems he wants her to act according to his own will" he said and I thought to not pass any comments on this topic.

"Adriel if you are done with your shit,then let's go it's my wedding" we both came out from our room and when we headed towards the stairs my watch stuck in something.

When I looked back I saw Aarushi 's dupatta was stuck in my watch and without knowing she was going forward. I held her dupatta and pushed it towards me, shen she looked back to see what happened.

I got lost looking at her. She was wearing a coral pink coloured lehenga, had tied her hair in a bun and had big earrings in her ears and white and pink bangles in her hand.

Nude lipstick on the lips, light mascara on the eyelashes, and a bindi on the forehead all enhanced her look. My heart had stopped beating for a second. She was looking like a breathtaking beauty

"Why did you pull my dupatta?" this takes me out of my thoughts and the one who asked is none other than she. I showed her my watch which had her dupatta entangled in it.

"Hey Kanha ji, what did you do? you took my words too seriously", she murmured but loud enough for me to hear and put her hand on her forehead, it looked like she was regretting something and her friends were also passing her a strange smile.

She came closer to me,took out her dupatta from my watch, she stood on her tip toes and whispered sorry to me. I turned my face slightly towards her to see her face but suddenly I felt intoxicated with her soft lips on mine. At that time it seemed as if the world had stopped, I could not see anything except her lips on mine, nor could I understand anything.

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