Chapter 20

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I woke up when I felt something touching my face continuously, when I opened my eyes I saw my Bacha was sleeping, my one hand was lying on her waist while her hairs were all over my face.

In the hush of the morning, as the sun cast its golden rays through the window, I gazed upon her sleeping form. Her face, serene and peaceful, held an ethereal beauty that captivated my heart. I couldn't bear to disturb her slumber, so I gently leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon her forehead and made my way to the gym.

I stretched my limbs and prepared my body for the workout ahead. Sweat dripped from my brow as I completed my workout. I felt invigorated and refreshed, both physically and mentally. As I wiped away the perspiration.

I returned to our bedroom, she was still sleeping while hugging that fucker Minnie like someone is going to snatch him from her. One day that someone will destroy him and that someone will be me. I gently tried to wake her up "Ayee sone do mujhe, aaj meri shift late hai " that's all she said in her sleep.

("Ayee, let me sleep, my shift is late today, you go.")

I didn't disturb her sleep, took a bath and went to the office.

"Sir Miss Tyagi is waiting for you, and some other models wanted to meet you but Adriel sir said send them to him" Mr. Batra informed me as I entered my cabin. "Send her inside and bring me a cup of black coffee," he nodded.

I watched Mr. Batra usher Miss Tyagi in, then turned to leave , I sipped on black my coffee "So Miss Tyagi, why do you want to meet me" I leaned back on my chair. "Yeah I wanted to talk to you about the insult your wife did of all the models there".

"So what?" I took another sip of my coffee, she leaned towards the table just to show me her fake plastics body parts "I'm one of the famous model of India who did collab with IYS and if I will break the agreement with your company I don't it's beneficial for IYS "

"Don't rotate the words Miss Tyagi and come to the point directly", I said and picked a pen from the stand holder to sign the files. Suddenly, she took a deep breath and blurted out, "Yuvraj, I want you to be mine." I was furious. In a fit of rage, I grabbed my coffee and hurled it at her, shouting, "I am Mr. Yuvraj Suryavanshi, and that is how you shall address me, Miss Naina Tyagi''

She got up from her seat and moved towards me "I want you if you can't have any social relationship with me due to your fucking wife, then we can be only in physical relationship, trust me no one will no about this"

Fury coursed through my veins like a raging inferno as she uttered those vile words, daring to drag my wife into her dirty business. In a heartbeat, I found myself lunging towards her, my hand tightening around her throat as I pinned her against the cold, unforgiving wall.

"How dare you?" I growled, my voice laced with barely contained rage. "How dare you speak of my wife and think that I will betray her for the fucking whores like you? She is my world, my everything, and no one in this fucking world have no right to besmirch her name."

Her eyes widened in fear, her once-seductive demeanor replaced by a look of sheer terror. She struggled against my grip, but my hold was unyielding.

"Who is she? A normal intern doctor for her, you are rejecting one of the top models in India, she doesn't even match my standard" she gasped, her voice hoarse and strained. "I didn't mean it. Please, let me go."

But I couldn't. Not after the pain she had inflicted upon me, not after she had dared to insult the woman I held most dear.

"Yuvraj Suryavanshi is her husband and it's enough to show that her standard is much higher than you and don't even try to compare yourself with my wife, how did you make this so cold fucking carrier I knew " I hissed, my words punctuated by the sound of her ragged breaths. "Do you understand me? Never compare her to yourself."

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