Chapter 21

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My Bacha slept in the car while sitting in my lap. I took her into the room, As I gently laid her down in the comfort of bed, her hand reached out and found mine, drawing it close to her head. In that tender moment, as her soft breath brushed against my hand, she uttered words that pierced through the veil of sleep "Mujhe chhod kar mat jao Raj, don't leave me."

Time seemed to stand still as those simple words hung in the air. "Never in my wildest nightmare Bacha," I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur. I gently removed the strands of hair from her face And so, I stayed by her side for a few minutes, watching over her as she slept. I kissed her forehead and removed my hand.

My eyes moved to find that Fucker Minnie who was lying on the sofa. I don't like that fucker around my bacha for a second but now I have to go to finish some important business so I placed him beside my bacha so she doesn't feel alone.

I came out of the house where Khanna was waiting for me. He saw me coming towards him so he opened the car's door and I sat inside.

Khanna is the one whom I can trust with all my illegal works, my dadu appointed him as my bodyguard when I was 16 . He is my bodyguard in front of the world and family but in the dark world he does all the illegal work for me.

"Khanna, that little girl who met Aarushi outside the hospital, did you find out about that girl's parents?" I asked him while sitting in the car.

"Sir,that girl was lying that her parents were alive and fine, when we caught her parents, we came to know that the girl is a child actor. Someone gave money to her parents for this act" Khanna informed me and forwarded me an Ipad in which he captured that girl picture with her parents

When this accident happened I messaged him to pick that girl from the hospital and find out about her parents.

"Sent that girl's entire family to AYD and told them to torture her father and mother so much that they scream every time they inhale and exhale, their souls want to leave this world but they don't get permission to leave " I ordered him and his expression changed into sympathy for a second and then he came back to his normal face.

I'm an innocent man but in front of the world and my family except Devyan and Adriel, I'm a man who can kill and torture ruthlessly but when someone tries to put their nose in my business just to protect my belongings, I always protect what's mine and no matter how many lives it takes to keep my things secure.

We reached the warehouse, I wore my mask, cap and gloves in my hands so no one could recognise me. I stepped out of the car and saw Adriel's bike was parked there."Ohh, this asshole arrived earlier than me, interesting".

"Finally you arrived, You keep teaching me about punctuality and you yourself are late" Adriel was sitting on the chair, his legs were criss-crossed and hands were folded on his chest.His hair was all set and he was also well dressed like he was going to some party.

I rolled my eyes "Forget my punctuality, you tell me It is 03:45 in the night and you are walking around dressed up as if you are going to a party or whether you have finished your work",

"It is important to look fashionable, you can also be the last person in someone's life whom they see, so before they die, they want to see someone hot and dashing" he winked at me"Don't ask me, wait for a few hours and you will find out by yourself" it was clear from his words that he finished his business.

"It's four o'clock in the morning, let's go and take care of a special guest, I have to return home before Aarushi wakes up" I said and we both moved towards the upstairs.

As soon as we reached inside the room, "Leave me" a woman in her forties screamed. "Leave you, but we both came to take care of you, you are our guest" Adriel mocked her and her eyes started scanning us.

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