Chapter 32

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But why?" Saanvi's voice echoed in the whole living room, as she picked a pillow from the couch and settled on the bean bag while putting the pillow in her lap "Exactly Today is our graduation ceremony and you are leaving for your home tomorrow, not gonna happen" this time Aarushi said.

Today She and Vaidehi are graduating. She requested Yuvraj to drop her to her apartment and from there she will go to the college with her friends. After a lot of effort and arguing he finally agreed to drop her and he will meet her later in the college at the time of ceremony.

As soon as she entered inside a new bomb dropped on her that Vaidehi is going back to Jaipur tomorrow and now four of them are talking more like arguing on this topic.

"Guys, this is already very difficult for me, please don't make it more difficult" Vaidehi said looking at both of them "then don't go, stay with us" Aashvi, Saanvi and Aarushi said in union. Vaidehi sighed and lowered her head "I can't refuse Bhai".

Three of them exchanged looks and thought not to make her more sad. "Fine but if you will make any best friends there, I'm not sure about both of them." Aashvi looked at her best friend and then diverted her gaze to Vaidehi"but I will definitely kill you" .

"I'm a doctor so I can't take a life but I will beat your ass off if you will dare to do this " Aarushi came and sat beside Vaidehi "But I will kill you and your so fucking new best friend one by one " Saanvi hugged her from behind and the group shared a hugged like their childhood.

"It feels too good when we all live together" Aashvi tried to control her tears looking at them, especially Vaidehi. All of them were on the verge of crying but no one cried as they didn't want to become sad today.

"Let's go otherwise we will get late for the ceremony" Vaidehi broke the hug and ran inside her room to take her purse "How am I looking?" she asked standing in front of the mirror "Exactly as the Princess" she laughed when the trio said in union.

Ever since they came to know that she is a princess, they always tease her by calling her princess. Maybe if someone else had done this, she would have felt bad, but all these are her friends, they are friends only in name but are family to each other.

The ceremony went well with rounds of applause for students, professor's speech, certificate distribution and lots of photoshoots. The ceremony ended and now everyone was meeting their colleagues and loved ones. Some of them are introducing their friends to their family.

"Very nice to meet you child" a lady in her seventies put her hand on Aarushi's head "Same here Dadi '' she replied and helped her to go to the guardians row which was arranged by college. Her eyes were roaming all over the place to find a particular person.

Her black eyes shone in a sparkle when those eyes met his chocolate brown eyes . He was standing holding two bouquets of roses in his hand. She made that old lady sit, he opened his hand looking at him and she ran into him.

"Congratulations" he pressed a long kiss on her forehead "finally my baby is graduate" he said. She glared at him"yeah I graduated so stop calling me, baby" he just smiled and kissed her nose "but you are my baby", Aarushi frowned "I'm not a baby in fact I can give you a baby".

She clicked her tongue when she realized what she said "I know, let's start the process after going from here" shivering ran down her spine when he whispered in ears intentionally touching her earlobe with his tongue. She looked at him with widened eyes "Relax baby" he chuckled.

"Here" he forwarded her two bouquets of roses, she took the bouquets from his hand and touched the flowers "See, everyone's partner came with red roses but you brought blue  Why?" she raised her brows.

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