The Beginning

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Summer's P.O.V

Was that a human? In the water? She looked like she needed help. I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. But mama fastfin said humans are just trouble! But something about this girl seemed... different. I had to save her. I swam as fast as possible, right toward her. She seemed a bit frightened when I grabbed her. I pulled her up toward the surface and out of the ocean. She gasped for breath, coughing and sputtering. "Leyla!" Yelled a different voice. A boy, riding a dragon. A sorta handsome dragon... wait what am I thinking? "Dak!" The girl named Leyla shouted back. I flew over to the boy, Dak, and dropped Leyla on the dragon's back. "Thank you for saving her." He said with a relieved smile on his face. "Hehe... no p-problem! Soooo, you just let humans ride on your back?" I asked. "I'm Leyla, and this is my brother Dak." Leyla spoke to me. "Hey." Dak said. "Um... hi. I'm Summer." I said kind of sheepishly. "Thank you so much for saving me, Summer." Leyla said. "You understand dragons?" I asked, shocked. Leyla nodded. Dak launched into a story about how they were ship recked as small children and raised by a mother dragon. Once he finished, he said "I'm sorry, but we really have to get going. We need to take this dragon egg back to its nest." I looked down and saw that the blue dragon was holding a greenish egg. "Oh, right of course! A slinkwing egg! Be careful around them, they are greedy dragons. They spit super sticky slime which can cause a dragon's wings to stick together, therefore disabling the ability to fly." Everyone was staring at me. "Wow sis, she sure knows a lot about dragons. Like someone else I know." Dak said. Leyla looked thoughtful for a minute. "Hey Summer... I know we just met but... do you maybe want to come with us? You can help us with rescues!" She said. Go with them? Rescue other dragons? A life of adventure? That sounds... awesome! "Uh, sure! I can do that, sounds fun!" I told them. "Great! Welcome to the team, Summer." Said the dragon. "By the way, my name's Winger."

"Summer! Summer, we're here!" Winger was saying. "Sorry, I must have dazed off." I said. "Don't worry Summer, I do that a lot." Said Burple. It has been a year since I joined the Rescue Riders, and we got some new recruits over that time. Burple, the rock spitter. Cutter, the relentless razorwing. And Aggro, the fire fury. I had also developed a crush on Winger, who I was closest too. But he would never like me the way I like him, right?

Winger's P.O.V

Summer had been daydreaming again, and she almost flew right into a rock stack. Luckily I got her attention before that happened. We landed on the island's coast, nearby some berry bushes. "Alright everyone! Grab as much supplies as you can carry! We have some rough training tomorrow!" I told my team. At once everyone scattered, knowing what they would be gathering. Summer dove into the ocean, looking for the special red snapper that can only be found on this island. She flew back up with one in her claws. She was so graceful... "Winger!" Dak waved his hands in front of my face. "Huh? Oh, Dak, uh what's up?" I said, caught off guard. "We're supposed to be getting the wood with Cutter, not watching Summer fish." He said. "Right! Right! Sorry." He hopped on my back and I flew over to gather up the wood that Cutter sliced. Dak had caught me staring at Summer! But in my defense, she is kind of cute... no! I am a Swiftwing, she is a Fastfin. Even if I DID like her like that, it wouldn't work out. But it doesn't matter, I don't like her like that...... right?

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