She's Coming

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Winger's P.O.V

"Wait, you guys are WHAT?!" Dak yelled, shocked. Leyla and I were back at the Roost, explaining what happened on our adventure to our team. I had just started telling them that Leyla and I were a thing now. "Wow Leyla, I'm proud of you! You finally gathered up the guts to tell him!" Aggro said. "Actually... it was Winger who confessed." Leyla told her. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Summer exclaimed. "I wonder what will happen now. You know, with you two not being the same species." I could feel myself blushing a little. "Wing! This is great!" Dak said. She looked like she was about to go on, when we heard something like a scream in the distance. Everyone froze. "What was that?" Burple asked. "Maybe it's one of the Songwing's coming back to make us sing!" Cutter said mischievously. Burple looked scared. "Don't worry Burps, that wasn't a dragon. It sounded more like a human." Leyla stated. "Come on gang, let's check it out." Dak said. We flew out of the Roost into the village, searching for signs of danger. "That's strange. There's nothing here." Aggro said. "I don't think it came from the village..." Cutter said with worry in his voice. He was looking into the woods. "I think it came from somewhere in there."

Leyla's P.O.V

I thought for a moment. What could have possibly happened in the woods? Was someone being attacked by wolves? "Maybe it came from Magnus's house." Summer said. "It's the only thing out there." "Well then let's go see." Dak replied. We flew silently through the woods, heading toward Magnus's house. As we got closer we could hear arguing. "I said it wasn't going to save any Rescue Runts!" Magnus yelled. "I couldn't just leave them!" Axel protested, sounding scared. There was a horrible thrashing sound followed by Axel screaming. We flew around to the front of the house in a panic. There, laying on the floor, was Axel. Bruises were all over his body, and he had one black eye. Magnus was standing over him, looking extremely threatening. "Axel!!" Dak and Summer both yelled. He looked up hopefully. "Oh perfect. What do you want, Rescue Runts?" Magnus grumbled. "Is he hurting Axel because he helped us?" Winger asked me. "I think so." I replied. "We want you to stop abusing your nephew." Dak said to Magnus. He just rolled his eyes. "Why don't you mind your own business, nosy riders." Magnus retorted. We landed on the dusty ground. I growled menacingly. Magnus looked scared for a minute but quickly gathered himself. "This is family stuff that you wouldn't understand, not having parents and all." He remarked. I could feel myself shaking with both sadness and anger. No one insults my friends! I snarled viciously and leaped toward Magnus,. He had gone way too far. He fell backwards on to the ground, trying to scoot away. "Leyla!" Winger yelled. He looked horrified, having never seen this side of me, but he also looked really impressed. I flew up into the air, scooping up Axel. "Guys! We need to go back to the Roost, he needs medical treatment!" I told my team as they started to follow me back home. Magnus was yelling at us from the ground, but he didn't dare follow us. I think I spooked him a bit too hard. We landed back at the Roost, taking Axel inside. Something felt wrong. It was getting really windy outside. I signaled to Winger, who nodded and followed me into the sleep cave.

Winger's P.O.V

It was just me and Leyla in the sleep cave. She took a deep breath. "Winger, something's not right." She said. "I know. I can feel it too." I told her. "What do you think is going on?" She asked. I just shrugged. Leyla sighed, but then Immediately perked her head up. "Do you hear that?" She asked, alarmed. I listened for a moment. It sounded like...... distant roaring? "Is that a dragon?" I asked. A look of pure fear crossed Leyla's face. "Winger... you don't think..." "I sure hope not." We stalked outside, very cautiously. As we peered out into the open blue sky, we saw her. She was back. "Winger... it is." Leyla gasped. And it was her. The Songwing was speeding for the Roost, back for revenge.

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