Bad Invention

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Cutter's P.O.V

We were in the middle of training, I was about to take my shot, when a rock flew by my head. "Burple!" I yelled. "Be careful where you aim!" He looked confused. "It wasn't me." He said. "Then... who was it?" I wondered. "I'll check it out." Said Winger. He flew up to the roof of the roost and looked out at the village. "Guys, you're going to want to see this for yourself." He said. Everyone followed him to town, me shooting at the target before leaving. I hit it right in the middle. "Bullseye!" I cheered as I flew up to meet Winger. We landed behind a crowd of people, and they let us through so we could see. "Oh great. It's Magnus." Aggro said. Sure enough, Magnus Finke stood there next to what looked like a shovel on a mechanical box. "Behold! My rock tossing machine!" He shouted. "This way we won't need Burple! This machine shoots the rocks for us!" So now he wanted to replace us one at a time, huh? "Oh boy." I said. "This should be interesting."

Leyla's P.O.V

Magnus made a rock launching device? "Why exactly do we need a rock launching machine if we have Burple?" Summer asked him. "Well, because it's better than Burple! Right, Axel?" Magnus turned to his nephew. "Huh? Oh yeah, right. Sure." Axel seemed off today. "What do you think is up with Axel? He seems kind of... sad." I whispered to Winger. "Not sure, but we have to focus on the machine for now." Winger whispered back. "As I pull this lever, it will launch another rock! Watch how far it goes!" Magnus was telling the crowd. We all watched as he put a rock on the shovel part of the machine. Then he pulled the lever... it shot the rock about 2 inches. "What? Come on, work! Axel! What did you do to the machine?!" Magnus started accusing Axel of tampering with the controls. "But I didn't do anything! I wasn't even near it, you saw!" Axel was protesting. So that's why he seemed down. Magnus is being a flat out jerk to him. "Hey Magnus! Why not be nicer to your nephew?" Dak yelled. "All he does is your slave work, you should be grateful!" Summer added. The crowd murmured in agreement. "Oh be quiet! What do you know about his life?" Magnus snapped as he started kicking the machine. He put a boulder on the shovel part and gave the machine another large kick. Then it shot the boulder straight toward Winger. Without thinking, I jumped in front of him and smacked the boulder to the side. I had just saved Winger! "Hey, thanks Leyla!" He said, smiling. "No problem at all!" I said back, a bit over enthusiastic. Then the rock launching machine started smoking. It blew up in Magnus's face. "This is outrageous! Axel, clean this up!" He yelled. "You are way too hard on Axel! Why don't you just CLEAN IT YOURSELF?!" I shouted at Magnus, forgetting that he can't speak dragon. Apparently I scared him though, because he grabbed his machine, looked at me like I was an eel, and ran for the hills. Axel nodded at me, then followed Magnus. Wait, did he nod at me? Or was that the sun getting in my eyes? It didn't matter now, Magnus was taken care of. "Wow Leyla! Great job on telling off Magnus!" Aggro congratulated me. "Thanks. We should probably get back to the roost though, I want to finish training." I said. I took the lead, the whole time thinking about how I had saved Winger.

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