The Cave

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Leyla's P.O.V

"Aggro? Are you here?" I asked. She came out of a crack in one of the rocks. "Hey Leyla. You're doing great with Winger." She said. "Thanks. It's getting late though, you should head back to the roost. Winger and I will catch up." I told her. "Ok then, see you there." Aggro replied. She flew off and I came out from behind the rocks. "There you are Leyla! What were you doing?" Winger asked me. I had to think of something quick. "Just uh, getting a drink!" "Why do you have to go behind the rocks to do that?" "The water back there, um, tastes the freshest?" "Whatever you say, Ley. Come on, there's something I want to show you." Winger walked me to a cave in the center of the island. The entrance was a downward slope. He lead me down and through a tunnel. "Are we underground?" I asked. "Yup. Hey, look to your right." He said. I turned my head to see a large blue crystal in the wall. "Wow! That's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Not as beautiful as you." Winger said with a smirk. "W-What?!" Did he just?! He immediately realized what he said and turned bright red. "Uh, no I didn't mean... um, just follow me we are almost there." He stammered. We walked a few minutes in silence. Did he just call me beautiful?

Winger's P.O.V

Oh, my StarClan!!!! I just called Leyla beautiful!! To her face!! Without realizing it at first!! Winger why?! I'm such an idiot! We walked in silence for a long time before reaching the destination. "So, uh, we're here." I said. Leyla glanced around. "Why does the wall have so many black marks?" She asked. "That's why we're here. This is the place where I practice my megablast. I think I almost mastered it!" I told her. "Really? Can you show me?" Well, that gave me a chance to impress her. Wait what? Why would I want to do that? Maybe... I do like her... I crouched down and lowered my jaw. I felt the megablast forming in my throat. It was now or never. I shot the blast out of my mouth. It hit the nearest rock, blowing it to pebbles. "Wow, nice job Winger! That was a huge megablast!" Leyla congratulated me. "Hay, thanks Leyla. I've been practicing a lot." I said. "Now come on, we should head back to the Roost. It's getting late and the others will be worried if we don't come home." I nodded and we headed back the way we had came. But when we got to the cave entrance it wasn't there. Uh-oh, now what are we going to do? "We need to find another way out of here." I said to Leyla. She looked worried but she followed me down another path that broke of into three different directions. "Uh Winger? Where are we?" Leyla asked about an hour into our walk down the apparent maze of a cavern. I sighed and turned around to look her in the eyes. "Well, to be completely honest with you... I think it's safe to say that we are totally lost."

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