It Will Be Alright

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Winger's P.O.V

Snowfall lead us all the way back to her lair. When we entered we found that she had built a new cage. "This time, you won't be escaping so easily." She said. "It's made of belzium. The hardest material there is." I sighed, knowing this would be the last chance I got to spend time with Leyla. "In you go." Snowfall commanded. We did as we were told, trudging into the cold hard cage. Snowfall signaled to Melodia, who snapped a belzium padlock to the door. "It's really late, that flight took a long time. You two get comfy, because tonight is the last time you ever will." Snowfall said. Well, at least I got to spend one more night with Leyla. Snowfall and Melodia strolled out of the room, probably heading to their own sleeping places. It was almost completely dark, I could only just see Leyla. "Hey Ley." I whispered. "Yes?" She replied. "What do you think our friends our doing right now?" I asked. "Not sleeping, I can tell you that. They're probably mourning over us." I immediately felt bad asking that, I should have known the answer. Leyla shivered. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's just really cold in here." She said. I scooted over to her and put my wing around her. "Better?" I asked as she snuggled into me. "Better." She confirmed. It took me a while to fall asleep, knowing what would happen to us the next day. Leyla was already snoring, fast asleep and oblivious to the waking world. I gave her head a light kiss before settling down and finally falling asleep myself.

Leyla's P.O.V

I woke up to slight snoring from Winger. He had one of his wings around me. Snowfall was no where to be seen. I nudged him gently, wondering if I could get a few more minutes with him before our fate. I secretly hoped that Snowfall would have eaten us in our sleep so we wouldn't have to feel much pain. Sadly that wasn't the case. Winger stirred, slowly opening his eyes. "So. It wasn't just a nightmare?" He asked. "Unfortunately, it wasn't." I said. Winger sat up, almost bumping his head on the top of the cage. "It sucks how this cage is smaller than the last." He said. "True... but at least we get to be closer to each other." I said back. Winger smiled, but lost the smile shortly after. "It's... everyone's going to really miss us... is it really the end?" He asked. "I.... yes. I'm pretty sure. And this all happened... because of me." I told him. He stared at me for a minute before saying "How is it your fault? We wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't brought you to the cave." "Who was the one that wanted to go for a fly in the first place?" "I- oh. Right." He looked deep in thought. "Still, it's not your fault. How would you have known this would happen?" "I guess you're right." I said, tears pricking at my eyes. "But we're still here... about to die...." I tried to hold back my tears but failed. Winger pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder. "We're going to be alright." He said reassuringly. "But... we aren't! We're going to die!" I protested. He stroked the back of my head with his claw. "Listen to me, Ley. We're not going to die, we'll find a way out of this cage just like we found a way out of the first one." Winger told me. I could tell that he was trying to stay positive, but it was a lot harder than he had first thought it would be. I sniffled and stared up at Winger with teary eyes. "But Winger, how in the name of StarClan are we gonna get out of here? This cage is made of belzium! I don't think any of your power blasts would work on the lock, and I highly doubt your megablast would make a dent." I told him, frowning and twitching my tail back-and-forth. I sighed and stared down at my feet in thought. How are we going to get out of this mess? I sighed again and slumped to the ground, defeated. This was completely hopeless! We are never getting out of here! We're going to die and who knew what would become of our friends. "We're never getting out of here!" I said with a defeated sigh. Winger wrapped a wing around me in a comforting gesture. "Hey, we'll get out of here somehow. We just have to-" "It's no use Winger! Let's face it! We're stuck in this cage with no way out and we're going to be Snowfall's next meal!" I said as tears pricked the corner of my eyes again. "I don't want to die! I want to go back home!" "I know, Ley. I know. But how are we going to get out of this cage?" Winger asked me with a confused look on his face. I sighed and shook my head back-and-forth, I felt defeated and the hope I had first had of us being able to escape was beginning to fade.
It was silent for a few moments after that and neither of us said a word, not knowing what to say. After a few more moments of silence, a small shuffling sound came from somewhere in the room. My eyes narrowed and I squinted in an attempt to find the source  of the strange noise. I heard growling from the corner of the room. A small black dragon stepped out of the shadows, rushing toward us. She skidded to a halt in front of the cage door and started digging a hole. Winger and I just stared at her, dumbfounded. The small dragon let out a cry of triumph as she lifted a key from the hole. She unlocked the padlock and flung it to the side as she opened the cage door. Winger and I stood there shocked. "What are you waiting for?! Go save your friends!" She yelled. That snapped Winger back into reality. He launched himself out of the cage and into freedom. I quickly followed after him, thanking the dragon before flying out of the lair into daylight. "We need to get to Huttsgalor as quickly as possible!" I said. Winger nodded at me and said "We should take the berry island tunnels!" I agreed with his plan. We found the tunnels easily enough. I smiled as we ran at top speed through the tunnel that would take us to Huttsgalor. We were going to live!

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