Aggro's Discovery

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Aggro awoke early that morning to a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. As quietly as she could without waking the others, Aggro quickly and quietly flew towards the door as she used her claws to open it enough for her to slip through. She then flew to where Dak and Leyla slept, but when she nudged the door open, she froze when she saw that there was no sign of them. She tried not to panic as she flew back to the sleep cave. There was no need to tell the others about this...... right? However, Aggro couldn't fall back asleep so she decided to go out and look for them. But as she once more left the sleep cave, she didn't notice that Winger was following close behind her as she flew on and out into the early morning air.

Aggro had been flying for quite a while when she saw something as red as fire in the corner of her eye and as she flew down to investigate, what she saw made her jaw drop in shock. It was another fire fury. And right beside it was a relentless razorwing, and they were both females by their scent. The fire fury shifted and as she began to sit up, she stared at Aggro with wide eyes. And it was then that she noticed Winger land beside them, causing the other fire fury to jump up in surprise. The razorwing, noticing her companions distress, quickly jumped to her feet with a warning growl.

The four dragons just sat there, completely still as they stared at each other for what felt like hours. And finally after about what was really five minutes of staring and awkward silence, it was the other fire fury who attempted to break the ice. "So now what?" Aggro sighed and stared down at her talons in thought. These dragons sure are acting very weird.

"So, do we head back to the Roost then?" Winger asked in an attempt to release some of the tension that was clearly making everyone of them feel on edge. Aggro sighed, shook out her wings, and nodded her head in agreement with Winger's awkward question. "Ok, let's go." She said, flapping her wings and lifting into the air. Aggro then watched with a bit of confusion as the other two dragons struggled to keep their wings flapping, they wobbled into the sky, dipping and falling in two second bouts. And that was making Aggro even more confused and even a bit worried and concerned.

As the four dragons flew back to the Roost, they soon caught sight of Summer, Cutter, and Burple, who were all waiting outside of the entrance of the sleep cave. "Where have you two been? And who are they?" Cutter was the first to speak once Aggro, Winger, and the other two dragons had landed. "Well, you see... we actually don't know." Aggro told them with a small frown forming on her face.

After a few moments of tense silence of nothing happening, the other three dragons just blinked in confusion and turned to stare curiously at the two new arrivals.

And once again, it was the other fire fury who spoke up to break the silence. "So, um, we have to tell you all something very important..." she trailed off and looked at the other razorwing, who nodded her head for her to continue speaking. "Well, you see... we're not actually born dragons." And with that ominous statement hanging in the air and the unsaid and unspoken words, the other Rescue Riders all staired in wide-eyed surprise as they slowly put the puzzle peaces together.

After a few moments of very awkward silence, it was Winger who attempted to break it. "Dak and Leyla?" He asked the two human-turned dragons. The two dragons both nodded and more silence fell on the group and this time, Summer was the one who broke it. "But how? Just, how? And when?" Dak and Leyla glanced at one another and the two dragons just shrugged their wings in response, they didn't know how it had happened. But all they knew now was that they were dragons. "Well you see, the truth is... we honestly have no idea," Leyla replied, looking up at Summer, who bent her head down to be eye-level with her friend. "Woah! You're really big, holly night furies! That's insane!" Leyla exclaimed as she stood as tall as she could so she could see the other dragons. She then turned to stare at Aggro, who grinned chilily at her in responce.

"Wait, hold up a sec, how did Dak turn into a female dragon?" Cutter asked, tilting his head in confusion as he stared at both Dak and Leyla with wide-eyed confusion still written on his face. "Yeah, how the heck did that happen?" Burple asked them. Leyla and Summer glanced at each other with identical looks of confusion. "A young witch about 13-years-old, who was most likely still in training, used a spell on us and everything went downhill from there." Leyla explained, clearly still trying to remember what exactly had happened. But she couldn't figure it out for the life of her. "You two will need to change your names," Winger eventually replied, bringing Leyla out of her thoughts and she stared up at the swiftwing. "Wait, what? But why?" Dak asked and Summer continued to explain. "Because you two aren't human anymore. Well, for the time being at least I mean..." she trailed off after receiving a sharp glare from Dak. Leyla tried to bat her with one of her small wings but it was Aggro who did it for her.

"Hey! Watch it!" Aggro snapped as she turned back to Summer. The seafoam green fastfin was staring at her former human-turned dragon best friend with sad eyes. "Let Summer finish speaking, Dak. It's rude to interrupt someone when they're speaking to you," Leyla gently scolded her and Dak nodded her head and turned back to give Summer her full attention. "Anyways, as I was saying... we need to think of new names for the two of you." Summer continued, her tail swishing back-and- forth as she spoke. "I thought of a few names," Aggro spoke up after a short while and everyone turned to her with anticipation.

"Cynder, Spike, Burn, Everest, Ruby, Dawn, Silver, Ember, Firefly, Sky, Tempest, Storm, Bonfire, Torch, Flicker, Blaze, Sizzle, Kestrel, Scarlet... should I continue?" She asked and they all paused to think over the names that had been listed. Then Dak spoke up after a few moments of silence. "I like the name Burn," she eventually said after a few moments of thinking it over. After Dak had chosen her new name, it was Leyla's turn. "I'll go with... Cynder," she eventually replied and the other dragons all smiled and cheered in glee at their friend's new names.

After the excitement had finally died down a bit, they all started talking about how training was going to work from now on. Aggro volunteered to help train Cynder how to use and control her fire while Cutter volunteered to train Burn. The others just sat and watched to see what progress would be made for the two human-turned dragons. They were all hoping for the best, Winger and Summer had especially high hopes for their friends due to knowing the two for so long.

"Rise and shine everyone!" Came Winger's voice as he flew around the other half-awake-half-asleep dragons early the next morning "Ugh! But why, Winger? It's still so early!" Cutter muttered tiredly with a yawn as he shook out his wings and slowly stood to his paws.

Aggro yawned and rubbed her eyes as she stared up at Winger. "Oh I get it now! You wanna get an early start on training, am I right, Wing?" She asked him and he nodded his head in conformation. "That's correct, Aggro."

"But why so early in the morning?" Came Summer's voice from the other end of the sleep cave. As she got closer to the others with Burple, Cynder, and Burn close behind her, the water dragon quickly stalked up on more water before heading outside to train with the others. "Because it's good to get an early start, and besides, Dak and Leyla, er, I-I mean, I mean Burn and Cynder need help with training and how to control their fireblasts." Winger informed the fastfin as they headed outside in the direction of the training yard.

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