Tunnels and Adventures

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Winger's P.O.V

The warm spring sun shone down on us. I had woken up only a few minutes ago, but I continued to lay down. The sun felt so good on my scales! My stomach growled loudly. I had not eaten anything last night because we didn't find any food. Now that it was a new day I was even more hungry. I got up, deciding to find breakfast for Leyla and I. There were no berry bushes. There were no fish. I almost gave up when my eye caught a glimpse of red in a tree. Apples! I excitedly flew over and picked a bunch. I found a few beetles on the tree as well. I flew back to Leyla, but she was still asleep. I decided not to wake her, she looked so peaceful and happy. I munched on a few apples, but I made sure there were enough for Leyla. When she finally woke up, I slid some apples and beetles in her direction. "Thanks Winger, I'm starving!" She said. I watched her eat her breakfast, getting up when she finished. "You ready to go back into the tunnels?" I asked her. "I'm ready." She replied. Leyla and I made our way to the cave. We took the downward slope to the maze of tunnels. "Alright, which path should we take first?" I asked. Leyla walked over to one on the right. "I think this one." She said. We traveled the tunnel for about an hour before coming to a fork in the road. "Hmm... witch way?" She wondered out loud. I looked down the right path, then the left. "This one." I said, gesturing to the left path. "That one is darker..." Leyla said. "But it goes upwards." I told her. She looked thoughtful for a minute, then she nodded. "Ok." She followed me up the path. It leveled out and split three different ways. One way lead back down and into darkness. One sounded windy and eerie. The last one looked normal, plus it went up even more. Without thinking, Leyla and I took the upwards path. We traveled for about two hours before I heard Leyla shout "daylight!" Sure enough, the path lead out into the open. We ran toward it, happy to be free of the endless black tunnels. But when we came out, we were somewhere even worse. "Oh no. Winger... these are the Cursed Shores." Leyla said, sounding worried. The sand was charcoal black and all the trees were dead. There were fish skeletons along the coast. The water even looked reddish. "Maybe we should've taken a different path." Leyla said. "Do you at least think there's any food here?" I asked. "Winger, you don't understand. This island is home to many dangerous creatures and if there was any food, it would probably be rotten or poisoned." She said. "Ok, I guess we just backtrack through the cave. No big deal." I said back. Just as we were about to enter, a scorpion the size of Cutter blocked our path. It hissed viciously. "Run!" Leyla screamed. We flew up into the air as fast as we could. The giant scorpion scuttled around, trying to find out how to get us. A giant centipede crawled up next to it. It looked at us, pulled its head back, and spat a mouthful of acid in our direction. We dodged in the nick of time. A flock of vultures flew in behind us, trying to attack us. Leyla dove past the scorpion and into the cave. I followed her lead, escaping the Cursed Shores. We flew through the tunnel at top speed, only stopping to catch our breath. "I-think-we lost them." Leyla said, panting. We were back at the three way fork. We had two options: the eerie path or the dark downward path. "Well we shouldn't go down so... creepy way it is." I said. We cautiously stepped down the tunnel. Nothing tried to attack us. We walked on in spooky silence. All we heard was the eerie howling wind as we stalked further down the path.

Leyla's P.O.V

As we kept on walking down the dark and creepy tunnel, my mind kept flashing back to the creatures trying to attack Winger and I. All I wanted was some alone time with Winger. But instead of some peace and relaxation, we get lost in a cave and we're cautiously walking down this creepy path to who knows where, it lead to a light breakfast with no other food in sight. And finally to add fuel to the fire, it lead to us getting attacked by vultures and giant insects on the Cursed Shores. Leyla, what have you done? I sighed sadly and stared down at my feet. "If we ever get out of this cave, I will tell Aggro that I am NEVER doing this flying-alone-thing with Winger ever again!" I quietly mumbled to myself as I continued to follow Winger down the dark and windy path. Winger stopped in his tracks, causing me to bump into him. "Do you hear that?" He asked. I stopped to listen. It sounded like rushing water. "Yeah, where's that coming from?" I asked back. He glanced around. "Look!" He said. "That section of ceiling is bright! Maybe there's land above us!" I thought about it for a moment. It did seem possible. "But what if the rushing water is above us?" I asked. "If we were to power blast our way out, and there is water above us..." "Then we would just end up drowning." Winger finished my sentence. "Maybe we can test it out. What if we poked a hole in the ceiling? Just a small one. Then, if water spills out, we would have time to escape!" His plan seemed pretty logical. "Good idea." I said. Winger reached his claw up to the ceiling and poked a hole. Nothing came out. He made it deeper. Nada. "I hope we're right about this." He said, readying a power blast. He opened his mouth and shot at the ceiling... and we were exposed to sunlight and fresh air. He looked at me and smiled. We flew out of the hole, ready for anything that might be waiting on the island. But there was nothing. All around us there were fruit trees and berry bushes. The grass was super soft and green. There was a beautiful clear water stream to our right, filled with colorful fish shimmering in the bright sunlight. "Winger... this island is beautiful!" I exclaimed. "And full of food!" He looked at me with a grin. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked. I nodded. "Lunch time!"

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