Hypnotized and Trapped

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Winger's P.O.V

Hypno Island? "I've only heard stories about that. Does it really exist?" I asked Leyla. "Maybe. If it does... This is it." She replied. I glanced around nervously. What if something was watching? "Then we should probably get out of here." I said. "But Winger! It's so nice here! Why would we ever want to leave?" Leyla cooed. "Um... Leyla?" I tried to get her attention. Something seemed to have entranced her. "I think we should just stay here! This could be our new home!" She swayed and rolled over onto her back. "The grass is so soft..." This wasn't good. "Leyla? Leyla! Snap out of it!" But she didn't. How could she have possibly just been hypnotized out of nowhere? Something flew over my head. I jumped and stood guard. What was that? "Oh Winger! Did you make a new friend?" Leyla asked in her daze. I froze. There was breath on my neck. I turned around slowly and faced a large multicolored dragon. We were frozen to the spot. She just glared into my eyes. Then she shot forward and snapped, trying to get my face. I leaped back and ran towards Leyla. "Leyla! We have to leave NOW!" I pushed her toward the cave, still running. "Why? Can't we just stay a little longer?" She protested as I hurriedly made my way to the cave. I stopped for a minute and looked back. The multicolored dragon was gone. "Huh... that's strange." I said to myself. "It sure is." Said a voice above me. I jumped back and grabbing Leyla by the tail, I ran deeper into the cave. As I ran, I shouted at Leyla to snap out of her stooper. "Leyla? Leyla! Come on, Leyla. You've gotta snap out of it!" I waved my tail in front of her face to get her attention but it didn't work. I was beginning to grow panicky and desperate. What am I going to do now? I sighed in defeat and plopped myself down beside Leyla on the ground.

Leyla's P.O.V

We had wound up on a completely different island. Who knows how far we were from home? "Leyla I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get us lost!" Winger told me. "It's ok, Winger. I know you didn't mean to." I reassured him. "Anyway, it doesn't matter how we got trapped in here. What we need to focus on now is getting out." I told Winger and he smiled warmly at me. "Hey, that's exactly what Summer said when we had gotten ourselves stuck in that cave." I laughed and nodded at the memory of that experience. We then walked on in silence, trying to find any sign of shelter or food. We found nothing and it was becoming clear that we would have to stay here overnight. "I'm hungry." Winger told me. I nodded in agreement I was also hungry, we hadn't eaten anything since this afternoon, and that was well over 3 hours ago. We had eventually made it out of the cave and onto an island of cursed shores, giant insects, and vultures that had attacked us, and now we were on some weird island that's really eery and unsettling. And, to top it all off, apparently I had been hypnotized by something on the island because I couldn't remember what had happened to me. Where was I? How did I get here? I took in my surroundings. I was on what appeared to be Hypno Island, but I couldn't quite tell for sure. But wait... where was Winger? Is he alright? I need to find him! "Winger! Where are you?" I began calling for the dragon that I had come to love. "I'm over here, Leyla!" Came Winger's voice from somewhere nearby my location. "Where are we?" I franticly asked him. I wanted to know how to get off of this dreadful island. "We're in some sort of cave." Winger told me. I blinked and walked around the small cave. "What kind of cave?" I asked him curiously. He frowned and shrugged his wings in response. "I'm honestly not sure what kind of cave we're trapped in." He replied back. I sighed softly and took a seat beside him on the ground.

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