They're Alive

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Leyla's P.O.V

With the help of a small black dragon named Dawn, Winger and I were freed from the metal cage that we had been trapped in. "But why would you help us?" Winger asked as we flew up and out of the lava-filled cave. Dawn giggled and rolled her icy-blue eyes. "Because I saw that you two lovebirds were in trouble and I knew that you wouldn't have survived that fall." I nodded my head at her logic. "Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks again for your help, Dawn." The small black dragon smiled and ducked her head. "Hehe... n-no problem." She said back. "Soooo... you two have friends who can speak dragon?" Dawn asked, still shocked about what Winger and I had told her not that long after she had set us free. I nodded my head in response and gave her a cheeky grin. "Yup. They sure do!" I told her with a wide grin forming on my face. It was silent for a few moments before Winger spoke up in an attempt to break the ice. "Hey Leyla, I have an idea, why don't we take Dawn along with us. I'm sure she'll make a great addition to the team!" Winger told me with a bright smile on his face. I smiled back at him and waved my tail in excitement. "So I can stay with you guys?" The little night fury asked with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. I nodded in response and Dawn squealed in excitement and did a few flips in the air. "Soooo... are we almost there?" Dawn asked us with an excited flap of her jet-black wings. I laughed quietly at the young dragon's excitement. "Yes, yes we're almost there Dawn." I told her with a flick of my tail. "Do you think the others will like me?" She quietly muttered as she looked up at Winger and I with worried icy-blue eyes. Winger and I glanced to one another with equal looks of confusion and concern. "Yeah, of course they will!" Winger told her with a bright smile on his face, then he continued, "Why wouldn't they? Your an amazing dragon, not to mention you saved us from what could've been a very deadly trap!" I nodded in agreement at Winger's words. What he said was true, Dawn had saved our lives, and we owed it to Dawn to let her come with us. "Hey, Winger look! We're finally home!" I called out as the small outline of Hutsgalor came in sight. We're home! We're finally home! I still couldn't believe that we had escaped that island, but I'm glad to be back home with my friends. With my family. And with Winger. And with those thoughts In mind, Winger, Dawn, and I flew in the direction of the Roost where the others would  be getting a wonderful surprise.

Winger's P.O.V

When Leyla, Dawn, and I had entered the sleep cave, Aggro's shout alone got everyone's attention. And the looks on all of there faces was both heartwarming and outright hilarious. It was so hard not to laugh at there gaping jaws and wide-eyed gazes. It felt like the others were staring at us for moons! But in reality it was only a few seconds. And pretty soon everyone was crying, even Dawn, who was a bit confused about the whole thing. "We-We thought... we thought that you were..." Summer broke off as tears cascaded down her face. I felt a pair of wings wrap around my neck and I looked down To see Dak, who was clinging tightly onto me almost as if she was afraid that I would leave again. I then turned my gaze on Cutter and Aggro, who were standing next to one another while staring at Leyla and I with wide, tear-filled eyes. "Are... are you guys really here? Or are we staring at ghosts?" Aggro manages to get out in between sobs. I laughed and playfully cuffed the fire fury on the head with my tail. "Who are you calling a ghost?" I joked with a teasing grin slowly forming on my face as I looked around at all of my friends huddled together in a huge group hug. My smile seemed to grow even wider as my gaze landed on Leyla and Dawn. Looking at Dawn reminded me that I needed to inform the others that she has what it takes to join the Rescue Riders. But not right now, right now Leyla and I needed to stay here with the others. They needed to be reassured that we won't be leaving them again anytime soon. But most of all, they needed to know that we will all be together forever.

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