She's Here

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Winger's P.O.V

The Songwing was flying towards the Roost, a look of pure hatred in her eyes. I turned to Summer with a panicked look on my face. I tried to keep calm. But I was failing. I quickly yelled for Dak and Summer. They came rushing out, the rest of the team behind them. "Winger! What's-- OH MY NIGHT FURY IS THAT A SONGWING?!" Summer yelled in shock. "Language." Axel said. But as Melodia flew closer and closer to the village, Summer and I glanced at each other with a knowing look. "Leyla. Winger. Is that the Songwing who tried to make you sing with her?" Dak asked. "It's definitely her. And she does not look happy. Get inside everyone, Winger and I will deal with this." Leyla said. "Are you crazy?! That thing will hypnotize you!" Aggro yelled. "We brought this upon you guys, we should take it away." I told her. "Aggro is right. We work as a team." Summer stated. I nodded and looked to Leyla. She looked like she wanted to say no, but she agreed with Summer. "Alright. But brace yourselves." The Songwing came closer, eventually landing in front of us. "Hello again, Leyla and Winger!" Melodia said with a bright smile lighting up her face. "What do you want, Melodia?" I asked the Songwing with a glair on my face. She pretended to be offended at my harsh tone of voice but I wouldn't fall for her charm. And to the horror of Leyla and I, she began to sing her hypnotizing song again. Leyla and I turned tail and ran but the others were frozen with shock. "Sing along when you hear my melody. Joining voices, that is the key. For us to be in harmony. So, come on now and sing with me. Just sing it real loud. And act like you do. We sound better together. It's true. Sing along when you hear my melody. Joining voices, that is the key. For us to be in harmony. So, come on now and sing with me. Why sing alone when you can sing it together. Come sing my song and we can sing it forever. So, come on now and sing with me. Come on now. Joining voices, that is the key. So, come on now and sing with me. Sing with me. Sing with me." Leyla and I watched with wide eyes as our friends were all forced to sing along with Melodia, and apparently, she'd been working on a song to make people sing with her too. I sighed and turned to Leyla. "I think we only have one choice, Ley. If we want our friends to be freed, we have to go with her." I told her sadly. Leyla sighed and stared down at her feet. "Hey, Melodia! We'll sing with you, but only if you let our friends go." I shouted up to the Songwing. And to our delight, she agreed. "Ok, we'll go with you. But can you give us a moment?" I asked the Songwing. She nodded. The team followed me into the Roost. As soon as the door was shut, everyone started panicking. Dak, Summer, Cutter, Burple, Aggro and a very confused Axel all started talking at once. "Uh, guys?" I tried to get their attention. They couldn't hear me. Leyla noticed what I was trying to do. "EVERYONE LISTEN!" She yelled. They all stopped talking and looked at us. "Ok. I think it's pretty obvious what has to be done." I said. "Yeah." Cutter chimed in. "We have to fight!!" "No Cutter. She'll hypnotize us. There's only one safe option." I looked at Leyla. She nodded. "We have to go with Melodia."

Leyla's P.O.V

Everyone immediately started talking again. "PLEASE BE QUIET!" I yelled. "Ok, one at a time." "She'll kill you guys!" Dak said. "I'm not ready to lose my best friend!" Summer protested. "We know, but it's the only way to keep you and Huttsgalor safe." Winger said. "No..." Summer was shaking her head, on the verge of tears. Burn put her wings around her. "I'm sorry Summer." I said. "I'm sorry everyone. But our minds are made up." Summer started sobbing into Dak's shoulder. He started to cry as well. "Um... what's going on? Why is everyone sad?" Axel asked, sounding very concerned. "Because Winger and Leyla are surrendering themselves to Melodia to keep us all safe." Dak said through her tears. Axel blinked and turned to stare at both Winger and I. "But why?" He asked again. I sighed and stared down at my feet. "Because if they don't go with her, then she'll turn the whole town into her Melodions!" Summer cried, her tail beginning to twitch back-and-forth as it always did when she was nervous or upset. "What kind of dragon is she?" Axel asked us. "She's a Songwing. They're supposed to live in pairs, it's said that they're supposed to have very melodic voices they use to calm down anyone who might attack them." Summer explained while flipping through the pages of Ley's dragon diary. "Well... goodbye everyone. Keep Huttsgalor safe for us, ok?" Winger said. Dak tried to hold back her tears. "O-ok bud." She said with a shaky voice. Even Axel looked really upset. "Well, we'd better get going." I informed them with a sad smile as Winger and I unfurled our wings and with one last look to our friends and to our home, we flew after Melodia. The only sound we heard was the beating of our wings and the sobbing of our friends behind us.

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