Chapter 53: You Broke Me

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Chapter 53: You Broke Me

As Emma blocked my path, her smile was sly, a clear indication of the venom she was about to spill. "So, Emily, you don't really think your marriage was 'spontaneous', do you?" Her tone dripped with insincerity, setting off alarm bells in my mind.

I attempted to brush past her dismissively. "Get out of my way, Emma. You know nothing about my marriage."

Her laugh, cold and mocking, sent shivers down my spine. "But I do, Emily. Every step was carefully planned. Far from spontaneous, your marriage was a calculated move, orchestrated with precision."

Her words felt like a physical blow, leaving me reeling. The suggestion that my impulsive, whirlwind marriage was nothing but a well-crafted scheme seemed unfathomable. "You're lying," I shot back, though a seed of doubt had been planted.

Emma leaned closer, her voice a sinister whisper. "Oh, but it's true. Luke and I orchestrated your marriage for his safety. He needed the protection your father could offer." Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. Luke, marrying me for protection? I refused to believe it.

"That's nonsense, Emma. You're just trying to stir trouble."

She rolled her eyes. "Believe what you want, Emily. But know this — your marriage was a calculated move. Luke followed you to Brazil, engineered the entire marriage to protect himself. Why do you think he married you so quickly? Because It was a ruse for his safety. You, the mafia boss's daughter, were the perfect shield against Luke's own father."

The room began to spin as I tried to process her revelation. Could our entire relationship be a lie? "That's... impossible," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Emma's cruel smirk widened. "Sweet, naive Emily, your marriage was a strategic ploy. Don't you get that? Luke needed protection from his father, and what better shield than marrying the daughter of a feared mafia boss? Your father's influence now protects him. With you as his wife, your father's influence becomes his armor against his own father, a man who wouldn't dare cross yours. Do you understand now, or shall I explain further?"

I felt paralyzed, torn between the man I loved and the devastating truth unfolding before me. She continued relentlessly.

"Did he seduce you with lines about seizing the moment or feeling an unprecedented connection? All part of the plan, Emily."

I felt a growing sense of dread. Luke's words, our moments together, now seemed like part of a grand deception. My heart began to race, panic intertwining with disbelief. Could our passionate, night whirlwind romance have been nothing more than a façade? Emma's insinuations gnawed at me, threatening to unravel the fabric of my beliefs. I felt as if the ground was slipping beneath my feet. Her revelations, callously delivered, painted a picture so starkly different from the love story I had believed in. My heart ached as I tried to process her words.

The world seemed to warp and sway around me, the reality of the moment bending and stretching in a disorienting dance. As the room spun, my senses became numbed; the only sound I could discern was the metaphorical acid of betrayal, corrosively eating away at my heart.

Luke stepped out of his office, his eyes immediately locking onto mine, filled with an unmistakable blend of worry and fear. He approached, stopping just inches away, close enough for me to feel his presence yet distant in every sense that mattered.

His hesitation was palpable, an unspoken recognition that any physical comfort he could offer would be an unwelcome intrusion into my storm of emotions.

He stood there, so near yet impossibly far, my eyes were fixed on him. His lips moving in yet I was deaf to his words, lost in the overwhelming surge of my own emotions. I was rooted to the spot, trapped in a maelstrom of shock and disbelief.

The echo of Luke's voice cut through the haze shrouding my thoughts, his words distant, as if spoken from the other end of a long, dark tunnel. The scene before me unfolded like a twisted play, Luke and Emma at its center, their exchange fraught with tension and raw fury. Luke stood, a figure of fierce protectiveness, yet it did nothing to soothe the tempest of emotions within me, churning like a violent sea.

What the fuck did you say to her?" he demanded, his tone urgent.

Emma didn't flinch. "Just enlightening Emily about the real nature of your 'spontaneous' marriage. I told her how you needed her for protection. How marrying the daughter of a mafia boss would save your skin."

Luke's face hardened "Get the hell out of here!" Luke's voice was a blade, sharp and filled with ire, an unequivocal expulsion.

Emma's laughter, bitter and tinged with disbelief, ricocheted off the walls. "Seriously, Luke? After all I've done? I was the mastermind, the architect of your salvation. I identified her, crafted this plan to use her, to keep you alive. I was the one who warned you about your father's deadly intentions."

Her words, a venomous cocktail of truth and manipulation, struck me like ice. Used, manipulated — was that my sole purpose in their grand scheme?

"If it weren't for me," Emma spat out, her voice dripping with acrid bitterness, "you'd be six feet under. It was I who shielded you from his wrath."

My voice, fragile and quivering, barely rose above a whisper, "Excuse me," as I sidestepped their poisonous exchange, each step laden with confusion, betrayal, and an aching sorrow.

Moving towards Luke's office, the weight of each revelation felt like chains around my ankles, dragging me deeper into a chasm of uncertainty. Behind me, With those final words, she strode confidently towards the elevator, her haunting laughter echoing behind her, a stark contrast to the silence that now enveloped me.

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