Chapter 16: New Norm

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Jade's Point of View

"Hey," Mickey said, and I nodded in response. His presence was a welcomed distraction from the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in my mind. I tried to put on a brave face for him, but I could see the concern etched in his eyes.

"How are you holding up?" he asked, cautiously entering the room and closing the door behind him.

I sighed, letting the weight of my emotions settle in the room. "I don't know, Mickey. It's like... every day is a battle, and I'm not sure if I'm winning."

He took a seat beside me, his warmth a comforting contrast to the chill that had settled over me. "We'll get through this, Jade. You're not alone in this fight. You have people who care about you, who want to see you heal."

I appreciated his words, but a part of me couldn't shake the lingering fear that Michael might resurface at any moment. The constant uncertainty was a heavy burden to bear.

"It's just... I can't shake this feeling of dread," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I keep thinking he's going to find us, that we're not safe."

Mickey placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "We've taken every precaution, Jade. The police are actively searching for him. We can't let fear control us."

I nodded, trying to absorb his positivity, but the paranoia clung to me like a persistent shadow. It felt like an insidious force, creeping into every corner of my life.

"Maybe... maybe we could do something to take your mind off things tonight," Mickey suggested, his eyes searching mine for a glimmer of agreement.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It was a thoughtful gesture, and I appreciated his efforts to ease my burden. "Sure, maybe that's exactly what I need right now."

As the evening unfolded, Mickey and I ventured out into the city. We took a stroll through a nearby park, its serene atmosphere providing a brief escape from the chaos that had become our reality. The night air was crisp, and the distant hum of city life served as a reminder that the world continued to turn, even if our lives felt momentarily suspended.

In those moments, Mickey's company became a balm for my wounded soul. We shared laughter, discussed mundane topics, and for a brief period, the weight on my shoulders lightened. It was a reminder of the life we could reclaim, one step at a time.

Returning home, the familiar sense of unease settled in once more. The walls felt like they were closing in on me, and the shadows whispered reminders of the trauma that lingered. I tried to push those thoughts aside, focusing on the small victories of the day.

As I prepared for bed, Mickey lingered in the doorway. "Jade, I know it's tough, but we're going to get through this. Tomorrow is a new day, and we'll face it together."

His words resonated with a genuine sincerity that touched my heart. I nodded, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thank you, Mickey. I don't know where I'd be without you."

He smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and compassion. "You don't have to face this alone. We'll find a way to make things better."

With that, he left me to the solitude of my thoughts. The night stretched ahead, a canvas of uncertainty and fear. Yet, in the midst of the darkness, a glimmer of hope persisted—the hope that with time, with therapy, and with Mickey by my side, I could reclaim the life that had been fractured by trauma.

Little did I know, the therapy sessions that awaited would become a crucial catalyst in that journey, guiding me through the labyrinth of healing and helping me emerge stronger on the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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