Creating the Plan

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"I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid."

George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

After what happened with Jade, I have been in contact with our dad. I have been trying to see if he is willing for us to live with him. It might not be the best situation for us but It is better than this hell hole of a place.

YOu might be wondering how the fuck are we going to be talking to our father again but to be fair after we saw him a couple of weeks ago, we have been talking to him for the past couple of days. It is to the point that we spend more time there than our own home.

I was never the person who was an eye for an eye kind of person but after seeing Jade just sitting there and crying, there is nothing excusable about this shit. That night I sat there just watch Jade just cry herself to sleep and feeling so fucking helpless. We need to come up with a fucking plan and quick too.

"What is going on with that brain of yours?" pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw that Jade was talking. I gave her a small smile and she returned one back. Knowing that she was hurting inside and she was hurting really bad at it. I am worried that it is no way is she can recover from it is she doesn't leave this shit place of our home even if it kills me. She proceeded to ask again, "what is going on with that big brain of yours?"

"I was thinking... Well, I don't know." I was trying to find the right words to express that I have been talking to our day for the past week. How I wanted us to move in with him. I know that fuck you guys are thinking. How the fuck can I move from one shitty ass parent to another will I don't know either. All I know is that Jade can't be here anymore. She needs to get out of here before this eats her alive. He is the best option. Either way, the rent who owns this house never legally adopted us so why the fuck well we stay. Hopefully, we can leave this home.

"Well, I was thinking about us leaving here and moving in with dad."

"What?" She asked me to give her this look. "Where is this coming from?"

"Just.." I paused not knowing how to proceed with this conversation. It was an idea that I was coming up with. Dad has said yes about coming to live with us. He was trying to get all the paper works in order to get custody of us again. "I just can't have you living here anymore Jade. He's going to kill you."

She went very quiet, not knowing what to say or do. The look of pain and defeat was overcoming her face. Then she looks up to me and proceeded to say, "if we do this how the fuck are we going to run away or leave him."

"Well there are 2 ways of going on by this is to report him to the cops about all this shit he has done to you or have dad get full custody back."

"I don't know. Arent custody proceedings really long?"

"They are but I know a plan on having that move quicker is by telling dad on what happened to get us out of here.

"Well if you trust dad then I trust you."

"Then let us get the plan on started." I go call dad to tell him where to meet us. We are going to put this plan into place tonight and end it once and for all. After I got off the phone, we decided to meet him at a coffee shop around the corner in 2 days. I didn't want him to be overwhelmed with the shit that we were about to tell him. I hope that this shit doesn't blow up in our faces.

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