The Secret

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Mickey pov

I never wanted to move to Florida. I fucking hated being here. But ever since my mother had died we were stuck moving here with my fucking, dumbass stepfather all the way here. We had no choice in the matter. My mother was never close to her parents so when she died, they never showed up at her funeral. From my understanding, they stopped talking because she got pregnant by my father when she was at a young age. They cut off all communication from her. I don't understand why or how can you just stop talking to your family like that, let alone your own fucking daughter. For my sperm donor, I don't talk to him either. The last time I have ever seen him was the day of my mother's funeral. I don't give two shit about him.

Lately Jade has been very withdrawn. I don't know what's going on with her. This isn't her. I'm worried about her and how she has been blowing up at everyone. Every time I ask what's going on, she will just say "I'm fine" or ". "everything is ok". She would put a fake smile on and keep ongoing. I can tell when my little sister is faking it. I wanted to know why she wasn't talking about it. I can do anything to help her. I can't let her be sad all the fucking time. It makes me wonder if it is something at school but I am pretty sure she would never be bully. Especially if everyone knows that I am her older brother who would beat anyone ass if the mess with her or damn talk shit about her. That's why I even stopped talking to the captain of the cheerleader's team because she was spreading a nasty rumor about her so I ended and made her life miserable. That's telling you how protective I am with my sister. My only family, I got. Not only that but my stepfather has been acting really strange too. Every time he is around jade he has a huge smile on his face. He stares at her for longer than he needs to and I have been noticing that he would sneak into her room late at night and when he comes out I can hear Jade crying really hard. I need to know what's going on. I'm worried about her.

The next morning I got out of bed to start my morning routine. I was too preoccupied that I ran into Jade. "Ouch," I heard. I looked up to see Jade. I was getting ready to apology before I could do so, I could see that she was sad. I could see that she was crying before coming out of her room. Her eyes were bloodshot red. They were puffy and just so sad. It broke my heart seeing my sister this sad and depressed. I was about to ask her what is wrong but before I could formulate the words out of my mouth, she shook her head and said, "I can't do this." She turns around and went back to her room. She slammed the door hard. I followed her I can't leave her like this. I knocked at the door, "Jade," I said, "please, open the door."


"Jade, please."

"Mickey can you please leave me alone right now. I don't want to talk about it." I was in shock. We could talk to about anything and everything. I decided that I should walk away. I didn't want to push her way. I just wish that she could talk to me and know that I am here to help. Why would I not be?

A few hours later I was walking back into my room. I approach my room, not paying attention to the world at that moment. When I walk into my room, getting ready to open it, I see that the door has been slightly open. I open it slowly and I see that Jade is laying in my bed. Confused about why she was sleeping in my room, I go wake her up slowly and gently. I whispered her name. "Jade," I didn't want to scare her.


"Jade," I said again but this time more firmly. She started to flutter her eyes open. Once she finally woke up, she looks up to me and smiles. This is the first time I saw her actually smile.

"Oh sorry," she says in a whisper. I didn't mean to fall asleep in your room. I actually came here to apologize for how I acted earlier. I didn't mean to shut you our earlier.

"You're fine." As I walked to the closest. "So what have you been up to?"

"Well, you know, trying to avoid dad. You know"

"Yeah, I guess, what is up with that anyway."

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Come on Jade, you can tell me anything."

"If I tell you then you are going to look at me differently."

I peeked out my closet and looked at Jade all crazy. I shook my head. Why would I look at you are different."

"It Just... can we just drop it. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to talk to my older brother. Is that ok with you?" I didn't understand why she was so uptight on keeping whatever this secret to herself. She can tell me anything. I know that I have my suspicion that she and my stepfather might not be getting along but what teenager isn't. So I looked at her and gave her a nod because I truly do miss talking to her. So I agreed to drop ti. 


"So" we both started to laugh really hard. I missed this. I missed us talking and just hanging out. "I always love talking to you," I said to her. Tell me about how classes are going?" I asked her. we went back and forth on talking about anything and everything that came to our mind. We just talked and talked for hours. Once we got hungry, we decided that we would go and have dinner. Once we reached the kitchen. Dad was there sitting at the kitchen table. He turned around and gave this very slimly smile. A smile that sent a shiver down my back. As I looked over at Jade, I can see that she is shaking. She starts to walk backward. She starts to stutter. I didn't understand why she was acting like this. "I'm sorry." She runs back upstairs. I didn't understand why she was acting like that.

I turn back to my stepfather and he just shrugs and goes back to reading the newspaper. I turn around and I went to go check on JAde. I first go check my room. Once I realized that she wasn't in my room, I went to go check at her room. I approached her door, I heard crying. I knocked at her door. "Jade," I said to her. I wanted to see why she was crying. I hated knowing that she was cry. I knocked again, but this time it was more urgent. I kept on doing it until she went and opened the door. I felt like I was standing there forever. Once she opened the door, I see that her eyes are bloodshot red. My heart was aching. "JAde" she looks at me and the next few words that she said to me, shocked me to my core. How can I help her when we live with this monster of a guy. This guy is supposed to protect us and love us. I wanted to break down. How can I help her? 

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