The Blow Out

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Step Fathers POV

I think it all started even before I met their mother. I always liked women who were younger than I was. I don't know what makes them so attracted but fuck, what is wrong with me. I can't get them out of my mind. I know I am a sick fuck, but I am trying my hardest to get this out of my fucking system. I have never acted on this shit, but I can't help myself.

I know that you don't want to hear from me. I know that everyone thinks that I am disgusted and sick and should be thrown off the cliff. Well, shit me too sometimes. These cravings are ruining my fucking life. I try not to be attracted to Jade, but shit, I can't help it. The first moment I thought I knew that I am drawn to her was when she started the 8 grade. I knew that she was beautiful, but I never did anything about it because it was wrong.

Ever since their mother died, I have been trying to calm my nerves or desires from her. I have, but I can't hold it anymore. Every time I see her, breath in her scent, I want more and more. I know that this is wrong, but fuck, I don't know what or how to stop it. I have tried to work even more or be out of the house, but that shit doesn't work. I find myself going into her room late at night to see her. But lately, I have noticed that Mickey has been staying really near her or being out of the house more. I am starting to fear that he knows what is going on. That scares the shit out of me because I hope that I can have this last longer, but I feel that this will crash all around me.

Michael POV

This is my fucking second chance, and I am so fucking excited to have my kids back. You might be wondering where the fuck have I been for the past 17 years of their lives, well I don't want to be in this whole fucking sob story or give you some shitty excuses, and all that matters is that I am here now, and I do anything to get them back. After we met, we all three have been in contact, and we talk about almost every day. What threw me off is that a couple of Mickey asked if they could come and live with me. And of course, I said yes, but before that could happen, I want to make sure that we get that shit in writing that I have full custody of them and the courts write it.

All thought this excited about having that they will be a part of my life, I couldn't wait to be a part of theirs. After a few days, Mickey and I talked about them moving in with me and myself filing full custody. I am excited to know that I am so close to having them as part of my life again.

Midway on cooking my dinner, I got a phone call from Mickey asking if he and Jade can meet with me again around the corner from their house. Of course, I have accepted. I want to do everything to prove to the courts and judge why I should have custody of them again. So I agreed to meet them on Saturday.

Once Saturday rolled around, I got up and did my usual routine. Once done, I went to meet up with Jade and Mickey. Once I got to this small cafe around the corner from their house, I parked my car and went up into the house. To my surprise, I saw that Mickey and Jade were already sitting in a small booth by the door. Nothing less, I couldn't help but smile when I saw them both sitting there. But there was something wrong with them. My smile dropped as quickly as it came. "What's wrong?" I asked as I approached them. Jade couldn't look me in my eyes, and Mickey couldn't say anything. Mickey just gave a blank stare. "I am not going to repeat myself. What The fuck happened?" I asked. I was starting to get frustrated. I didn't want to blow upon them, but something felt so off, and I did not like this shit. The next thing I know, Jade started to cry. I didn't know what I did. I rushed over to them. I felt like shit for screaming at them. Mickey was trying to console him. I looked up at him, trying to see what the fuck was going.

"We need to tell him," Mickey spoke first after Jade's crying started to slow down.

"I don't want to or how should I," Jade said, trying not to hiccup while trying to breathe in slowly, but all I can see is that she is just frustrated.

"What are you guys trying to tell me?" I asked. This time I am trying to set a calming present about myself.

"I... Well, Jade..." he started not knowing how or where he wanted to create.

"Mickey, please," Jade said, giving him this pleading look towards him.

"Jade, we have to tell him. He can be the only person who can get us out of this situation, and you fucking know it." They are starting to get into an argument. They are trying to keep this between them, but it is beginning to become louder and louder.

"What you want me to tell him that Our fucking stepfather raped me." this is where everyone stopped and stared at her. This time tears are streaming down her face. Jade could no longer hold in her emotions. "The one person who was supposed to protect us abandon us to a pack of wolves. The person who was supposed to be at my side is never around. And what am I suppose to do? I tried so hard to stop him, and what does he do is climb on top of me and repeatedly rapes me." She gets up and walks out of the diner. Mickey runs after her, and all I could do was sit there stunned.

I couldn't believe my ears. I was beyond piss from what I was hearing. I was supposed to be there to protect them and love them, but I was a chickenshit of a father to take of them, and I left them to the wolves. I had to rewrite my wrongs and fix this shit. I could see them arguing amongst each other. I finally got up to approached them. I looked at her, and all I could do is apologize. I told her that she will never have to step foot at that house ever again. What else can you do in this situation? 

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