A blast from the past

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Jade POV

It has been two weeks since I had that breakdown in front of Mickey. I feel relieved that I have told someone but I am scared shitless. I don't know what Mickey is going to do. He has been very protected from me lately and ever since I told him, he made sure that I don't sleep in my room by myself and I go where ever mickey goes. I couldn't be more excited that I have someone who will now be looking out for me. At the same time it kind of annoying but overall I don't give a fly fucks that he was doing it. I know it's making this guy so fucking annoyed that he can't get to me. Though that makes me happy, I have a bad fucking feeling that he would come after me at some point. I told Mickey this feeling and he says that we need to get ready to defend ourselves and get the fuck out of there. TO be honest part of his plan is to fucking ruin his life. I couldn't agree more about it but we have to be smart about it.

I recently signed up for self-defense because for one It got me out of the class, two it gave me something to do with my brother and three I can use it to defend myself from him. Today was the first day of class and let me fucking tell you that I am super excited to go. "Mickey lets go!" I called out waiting by the bottom of the stairs. "I'm coming," he replied. As I was waiting for him I can feel his presence near me. I stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do, I started to panic inside. I don't want to be or near him.

"Hey sweetheart," he says while stepping behind me. He started to rub against me, I was starting to regret that I was wearing these yoga pants. "I missed you so fucking much." he started to kiss me against the neck and dry humping me. I shed a tear because how can he do this or catch me at a time when I let my guard down. I didn't know that he was supposed to be home so soon. I wanted to scream but he had his hand over my mouth. Tears were just coming down my face so quickly and I just hated myself. Before I knew it he was off of me. We heard footsteps coming down. I looked up and saw that mickey was coming down. I was so happy that he was here that I ran to him and hug him. He gave me this weird look and then looked up again to see my stepfather there. His demeanor changed. He was irritated. He grabbed my hands and we walked out the door.

"Oh I can't fucking stand him!" he says pacing outside back and forth, back and forth.

"I know, I can't stand him either," I said in a small voice.

"What the fuck are we going to do with him? I just wish that he could just disappear."

"I do too, but killing him won't solve anything. We need to stick to the plan."

"I know, it's just hard to look at him or be in the same household as him."

"I know," with the end of that topic, I decided to change it " are you ready to go?" I ask mickey.

"Yeah, let's go." We sang all the way down the street to get to the self-defense class. At that moment I felt like an actual teenager. Though that shitty moment happened to me 45 minutes ago, I couldn't help that I was just to be happy, only if it was a few minutes. Once we pulled up to the building, I recognize someone who was there. I can recognize him from anywhere. I used to have the biggest crush on him or maybe I still do but I can't get involved with anyone right now, especially with me getting the fuck out of that home.
OK, I know that all of you guys are wondering who the fuck is Kyle. Well, Kyle is about 6 feet and 4 inches. He has brunette hair, with green eyes. He is built and the star quarterback at our high school and someone who I cant and is forbidden to talk to according to my brother. I turned my head to Mickey and asked him "did you know that he was going to be here?"

No, why would I know if he was going to be here?"

"Well, you guys are best friends, Aren't you guys?"

"Yeah, we are but doesn't mean I always know where he is."

"I guess you are right," I said ending the conversation. We both got out of the car and went to go greate kyle. He looked up at us and gave us a small smile. I started to blush. I don't know what it is but something about him makes me blush. I shouldn't feel this way especially with everything that is going on with me but something about him makes me feel like l can I do anything. I heard someone calling my name and I realized that Kyle was calling my name. I looked up and answered "Yes," feeling guilty, and blushing even more. I didn't know that I could get any reder then I can.

He and my brother started to chuckle and shake his head. "I was saying, What are you guys doing here?"

Before I could answer my brother Mickey answered the question for me, "we are here because we felt like we need to learn some basic self-defending class?"

"From what," he asked.

"Just from creeps, you know."

"Yeah, I get it." I appreciate my brother could answer for me, but this shows how weak and pathetic I am. It is too soon to say anything and we need to get the fuck out of this home. We need a solid plan before getting anyone involved or their safety. We sat out there talking and laughing. Then Kyle looked at his watch to look at the time. "Hey guys, as much as I like talking we should get inside and set up."

"You right. I didn't even know how much time was spent talking out here." Once we got inside and got situated, the instructor came in front of the class.

"He seems familiar," Mickey whispered to me.

I turned my head and looked at my brother and asked: "what do you mean?"

Before Mickey answered, He gave this look of shock and disbelief. I tried asking him what is wrong he says "dad" I snapped my head to look at the person standing in front of the class. He looked like disbelief and happy. When I am saying I was in shock myself. I mean I am in shock. 

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