The touch

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Chapter 3: the touch

After, what felt like forever, school was finally over. I wanted to get out. I couldn't do it. I couldn't handle it anymore, especially after my blow up with crystal at lunch today. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Usually I would get a ride with Mickey but because he had football practice and Michelle had Volleyball practice, here I was walking home by myself. It takes about a 30-minute walk, but I was trying to prolong it. I am trying to avoid every way possible to avoid my father. I don't want to be around him. Especially what happened last night. It gives me the chills just thinking about it.

As I was getting ready to exit the building, I hear Crystal calling my name, "Jaden!" I pause and turn my head around to see her speed walking over hear.

"Hi," I say slightly embarrassed especially after the way I acted towards her earlier.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, "I know that you had a hard time earlier and I know I shouldn't have pushed you, but you are my best friend and I would never want you to feel like shit."

"No, I am sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that and it just that there is a lot of shit that is going on at home and I am trying to figure out how to handle it at home. I guess I just lashed out at you because you were the closest thing. So, for that I am sorry."

"Well all forgiven." She says, after giving me a hug. To be honest, that hug was totally needed it and I didn't realize on how much I needed that hug or how much I wanted that hug. "So, do you want to come over my house? We can catch up, do some homework and just have some girl time if you want. Anyways I miss having you around also. I felt like I haven't seen you in a while."

"Sure. I need some girl time with you." I said while giggling. We both walked to Crystal home. I always love going to her home. Her family has always given a welcoming stay.

After about 15 minutes of driving, we arrived at Crystal home. Crystal family owns of the biggest homes at our school. Her father owns one of the biggest law firms in the county. Even though her family is rich and all, they never acted like that. Both her parents were welcoming and loving. I think that was one of the main reasons why I enjoyed being around her family. That was reason why I was so close to them especially after my mother died. They are more of parents to both Mickey and I then my step father is to me.

When we entered the home, an older woman, who was in her late 30s, early 40s I can say. Who resemble crystal so much, who was her mother came in and greeted us. They both had an ash blonde hair, brown eyes, they both were about 5'3 and they were curvy. They had bodies that even would even make the Kardashian jealous.

"Hello Jaden. Long time no sees." She says with a perk.

"Hello, Mrs. Smith. That is for sure. I am sorry it took me awhile to come over and visit."

"Oh nonsense. I am glad that you are here now. You know that I don't like being called Mrs. Smith. Call me Miranda." She says while I giggle. I always admired her. She always had that personality of being so bubbly and have that calming nature about her. I can see where Crystal gets that from. Crystal can be both bubbly, loving and the fun all around but when she needs to she will then she can be stern and tells it how it is.

"Thank you, Miranda."

"You're welcome ladies. Well I am going back to work. I see you guys later." She waves at us, while exiting. Crystal mom owns a very vast interior design company.

"I turned and looked at Crystal. Can I tell you how much I love your mom?"

"Yeah I know." She says while we walked into her room.

After a few hours of catching up, doing homework and just goofing off, I realized how late it was. I had to go home. I sighed very loudly, showing that I don't want to be there. I started to pack up everything. Crystal gave me a look, realizing how I was acting and how I showed that I didn't want to leave.

"Jaden, are you ok?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I paused, "Its just that I don't want to go home yet but I know I have to."

"Well you can always spend the night."

"I know but my dad will kill me, especially if I didn't tell him in advance and anyways, I don't have any clothes with me." I said while getting up. She followed suit.

"Well I can give you a ride home if you want."

"That would be great." I said with a small smile. I had to face the music anyways. There was nothing I could do about it. When I finally arrived home, I gave Crystal a wave while she pulled out of the driveway, as I walked up to the front door of my house. While I entered, I saw my dad sitting in the kitchen.

I closed the door as quickly as possible and tried to b-lined it to my room as fast as I can but I was not fast enough. I heard him call my name. I sighed, I was trying to avoid him as much as possible. As I walked int the kitchen I saw that he had a beer in one hand and the newspaper in the other. He looked up and gave me a smile. He finally spoke, "Hi honey."

"Hi," I said in response, "do you need anything?" I realized that he got up and was getting really close to me. It was to the point where it was too close for comfort. It got to the point where I can smell the beer in his breath. I felt like gaging because of how bad it smelled.

"I don't know, you tell me." He says while backing me into a corner. He started running his hands along my arms. He started to look down at my chest.

"I don't know." I say, I was trying to free myself from his grip. Then he moved his hand towards my chest. He started to fondle my breast. I saw how the he was growing an erection. I was disgusted by it. I wanted to throw up. I closed my eyes as tightly as I can, while he was just groping and touching me. I was trying not to cry. No father should ever and go feel up on their daughter. Next thing I know, I see that he takes a few steps back. I heard my brother laughing with few of his friends. He just came home from practice. I ran as fast as I could towards my room. I couldn't believe what he has just done. What am I supposed to do now? 

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