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Warnings: Panic Attacks (not entirely but an almost panic attack)

Original Characters: None :)

Things To Know: Nothing :)


It wasn't new. Speeches. Lena has given a lot of them in her 27 years of life.

Her valedictorian speech, her testimony at Lex's trial, panel speeches, and like today, a speech to kick off the gala she's hosting.

So, in short. She has done this a lot, so she is utterly confused at why her hands get suddenly all sweaty and her heart kicks the second a man in the audience asks her a question.

She answers, it takes a while for her panicked brain to realize a question is being asked, and understand the question being asked. When she does she stutters out a answer, she doesn't stutter a ton and she is oh so thankful for such.

When she steps of the stage at the venue she rented for the night she immediately looks around panicked.

Where is Kara?

She sifts through the crowd, ignoring the questions being asked and investors trying to have a moment with her. She sees the blonde but shes just to far.


Her voice is broken and weak as unwanted tears sting her eyes. Kara, with the help of super hearing hears the girl, turning around as concern enters her face. She walks over, putting her hands on her best friends arms.

The relief Lena feels is so great she collapses into Kara's chest with a sigh. Kara holds her and leads her from the prying eyes.

Once in a conference looking room. Alone. Kara starts talking.

"What happened up there Lee?"

Lena however can't hear a thing, zoning out every few seconds as the tears in her eyes build up to much and start striking down her cheeks. 

"Hey.. Hey it's ok."

Kara starts rubbing up and down her arms in a comforting manner.


Lena tries, she really tries, but she can't get words out no matter how hard she does try.

"It's ok hey... focus on my breathing... can you breathe Lena..?"

Kara asks frantically, though her tone is calm and it's calming Lena even though her word choice and speed is frantic. Lena nods in affirmative, and  Kara exhales a breath of relief she very much knew she was holding in.

"Good... good.."

Kara keeps running up and down her back.  Seeing Lena's red -not from blush, which is common around Kara- cheeks and clicks her tongue, Putting her hand against her friends forehead.

"Your burning up.."

Not a feverish burn, more of a panic blush, or something along the lines, Kara assumes.

She blows a cool breeze on Lena and her friend hums in appreciation.

"Thank you.."

There is a voice crack in the beginning of the sentence, but ultimately she gets the words out.

"It's no problem. It's what friends are for."

Fuck Lena hates that word, she hates being Karas friend. She wants more than friendship from the blonde. She wants a relationship. A real relationship.

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