"Its just a fucking pomegranate." Lena thought

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Warnings: Abusive Relationship (its not supercorp, I shall repeat in caps ITS NOT SUPERCORP!!!!)

Original Characters: Micheal Watts (Asshole), Dylan Parker (The Nicest Person Eva)

Things To Know: Original Idea 😝😝😝😝


"It's just a fucking pomegranate." Lena thought to herself watching Kara peel one beside her.

But it's not just a pomegranate.

Kara is being gentle with the pomegranate. No one in Lenas life has done that, to a pomegranate or her.

She's being FUCKING GENTLE. This is the FUCKING girl of STEEL, and she's being GENTLE with a FRUIT?!?!? Lena thinks about it internally screaming at herself.

Not even the personal chef at the Luthor mansion did such things gently, even though he knew the whites were bitter he still got some in the bowl because he wasn't gentle, but Kara... Oh sweet Kara.

Neither was Micheal, Lena's first boyfriend and they guy who made her scared to be loved. He hit, not her but her surroundings when he was angry. Manipulation became a daily thing for lena for those 6 years she was with him. She remembers in this moment, another moment, not a happy and bittersweet like this, a "happy" one with a lurking darkness. Because Lena thought she was happy at the moment, but she'd learn it was just manipulation, it always was.

In that moment he was cutting a pomegranate for Lena so she could have a snack during her bath, she also lost her virginity that night, though she likes to forget that part, she didn't want that, now that she thinks for herself and he doesn't do it for her.

The pomegranate was the worst, the white seemingly overpowered the seeds, it was disgusting now that she thinks clearly.

It kinda shows how all her relationships reflect within the snack.

Like Dylan, a fling/boyfriend after Michael, she was 19 and 20 at the time, having been with Michael since 13.

Dylan was an angel, so when he said 'i don't think I like boys' he didn't get angry, nor upset. He instead hugged her, comforted her in a friend way, not boyfriend way.

She stills keeps in contact with Dylan, they stayed friends, but grew apart, they still care for each others well being and such. Just aren't friends, acquaintances, with a history, a happy history.

when he cut her a pomegranate after Lillian had lectured her for being gay, he was gentle, no whites.

Then there's Andrea, a fling, she was gentle, not as gentle as Dylan, but gentle.

If Lena recounts properly, there where 3 or 4 bites she didn't enjoy.

Then theres Jack, another one with a lulling darkness, because he never actually loved her, and it was one she got in to push down her feelings as Lillian had gotten ruder and ruder, making the girl feel hopeless.

He wasn't gentle, he eventually made Lena finish the task, it paralleled their work on the nanobots, he made her do most/more of the work.

Then theres James, he was ok just ok, it was an ok bowl, an ok cutting.

She doesn't hate James, his response when she finally succumbed to her everlasting love for women wasn't as comforting at Dylan.

"Really Lena?!"
"What about us?"
"But you do have a choice, that's all sexuality is?!?!"

He apologized however, so she guesses she forgives him.

Then Kara, even though they aren't even together, Kara is by far the best, she is so gentle, holding the pomegranate like it's a dear friend of hers. Treating it with a care people treat the frail bodies of humans as they get them ready for their funerals. Even putting the seeds in the bowl gently, it won't hurt the seeds, Lena knows Kara knows that, so therefore that is just the everlasting gentleness of Kara.

As the symbolism spreads throughout her relationships, Kara is also as gentle with her as she is with this pomegranate. When "Supergirl" saves Lena, Kara treats her as if she could break her, she could, which somehow makes the gentleness more impactful, in Lena's opinion.

Kara finishes up the pomegranate and slides to bowl to Lena.

Lena doesn't know what possesses her, but she does some things.


It's broken, like a cry of a dog when it's injured.


Kara looks over and immediately cups Lenas cheeks at the red and teary eyes of the girl.

"Are you ok..?"

Once again Lena doesn't know what posses her, but she quickly leans in and kisses Kara.

She doesn't wait for a response movement before she pulls back, panicked and afraid.

"Shit shit Kara I'm sorry-"

She is beautifully cut off when Kara pulls her back in.


Just as gentle as she guessed.

She melts into it, wrapping her arms around Kara neck as her eyes close, she hums into it as well, buzzing her and Kara's lips.

Well she pulls away she rests her head on Karas shoulder, smiling in her bliss.

"I love you.." Kara whispers in her ear "I love you..."



Hope you enjoyed!!!

In case theres confusion this is the pomegranate symbolism.

People Lena has been with treat her like they treat pomegranates, in case no one caught on! i suggest reading again knowing that! yk? enjoy it!!

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