She Likes A Boy-Im Not A Boy

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Warnings: Angst

Original Characters: None :)

Thing To Know: Based of a song more specifically the tiktok sound portion of the song.


She Likes a Boy

"I swear Lena he's so cute gosh" Lenas heart ripped open a little more, fuck this hurt. Her best friend has always been the only person she could ever want in the world. The solar system, no no, the universe.

She Likes a Boy

No, This is worse by far. It's the annual holiday get together at Kara's and their kissing. Kara. Her Kara. Is kissing someone else. a boy.

She Likes a Boy

She thinks, for a moment, maybe, just maybe, Kara might, Might like her too.

"He texted!"

Kara squeals as Alex rushes over, the moment just then where their lips were pressed together because of spin the bottle is squashed and over.

She Likes a Boy

She Watches as they hold hands, kiss, hug, and flirt. She knows she could treat Kara better. So, so much better.

And I'm Not a Boy

She punches at her stomach, crying, yelling in her mirror as she metaphorically and literally beats herself up.

"Why aren't you a boy?!?!?!"

I'm Not a Boy

Lena sobs into her pillows, she just went through a whole day of Kara blushing, but not because of her, it's never because of her.

I'm Not a Boy

In her dreams she shakes Kara while screaming at her.

"I could love you better!!!"
"I fucking love you!!!"

I'm Not a Boy

In her dreams she lives with Kara how she always has and always will want, because she'll never achieve it, Kara will marry him and they'll have 3 kids, and Lena will heavily distance herself and become a villain herself. Kara will be the one to lock her up, treating her like nothing more than just another villain, and Lena will die in a rocking chair in her cottage. She'll get found by Kara, and Kara will feel nothing at the sight of her dead ex best friend.

Kara Danvers will never know Lena Luthor loved her, but even if she did it would change the facts.

Kara Danvers will never love Lena Luthor.


Notes ⬇️


Im sorry Cami.

I did not proofread this so all mistakes are my own :)

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