
35 1 0

Warnings: None :)

Original Characters: None

Things To Know: So didn't know if you guys knew, but I'm dyslexic. So any mistakes I WILL MOST DEFINITELY MAKE are on me but like not my bad man I didn't mean it. Ok ted talk done enjoy your one shot.


"No no Kara if I do another spell i might hurt more people... I- I just don't want to take the risk."

Kara steps closer to Lena, moving her hand to gently hold Lenas arms gently rubbing them.

"You'll do great..."

"I just-"

Lena moves away, walking from Kara, her back to the blonde.

"What if I'm not as great as you say?"

"Lena... look at me."

Lena slowly but surely turns around and looks at Kara.

"You. Will. Do. Great."


"Lena! No buts! your going to be fine, ok?"

Eventually Lena lets Kara hold her arms again.

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"That you'll do great"

"I- I'll do great..." Lena reluctantly says.

"See, was that so hard?"

"Yes. Yes it was. So so hard."

Kara chuckled and leaned down to kiss her girlfriend.

"I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too.. now shoo I need to focus."

"Fine." Kara dragged the word out as she left. Leaving Lena alone to smile as she began to flip through the spell book some more.



got this idea from
this link, which was replying to
this one!!!

Also, I want to start posting on AO3, just wondering if anyone would like that!

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