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Warnings: A lil spicy, nothing to bad tho.

Original Characters: Nope!!

Things To Know: Ehhhh nothing much.



Kara touches Lena.

A lot, actually.

And God is it amazing.

Lena's Waist.
How does Kara touch Lena's waist?
One time Lena can recall is one time when she was baking. She was busy mixing and such she didn't hear Kara land or open the balcony door, but she felt her. She felt when she hugged her from behind, laying gentle kisses to her bare shoulders.
Another time was at the tower, they we're working to stop a villain, and she was in Kara's way, so Kara gently grabbed her waist and moved her so she could slip past, it left a pink hue on the youngest Luthors cheeks.

Lena's Hair.
How does Kara touch Lena's hair?
Lena remembers a lot of times.
One being at the tower, Kara just got saved from the phantom zone and after the initial reunion they had time alone. In which Lena crumbled into Kara, crying, sobbing even. Kara gently brushed through her hair. They were interrupted by Zor-el who quickly left, Kara didn't chase after him though. She stayed comforting her "girlfriend". (It wasn't yet official).

Lenas Arms.
How does Kara touch Lena's arms?
Gentle, Rough.
Those things don't go together yes, but stick with me.
A gentle time.
Lena was stressed about a report she needed to get done, and Kara her friend, gently put her hands on Lenas arms, gently rubbing till lena calmed.
A rough time.
It was hot, so hot yet so delicious.
Kara holding her arms down roughly while she pleasured the girl, making only
disgustingly pornographic sounds leave her mouth.

Lena's Thighs.
How does Kara touch Lena's thighs?
Gentle, even in sex.
She was so gentle.
Rubbing along them under tables, blankets.
Grabbing them and pulling them to her or situating them however would please Lena most.
But still.
So gently.

Lena's Calfs.
How does Kara touch Lena's calfs?
This one is abnormal, a body part Lena wasn't exactly focused on, so she doesn't remember many times.
But there is one.
They we're getting ready for a Gala, and she was going to put on her heels when Kara stopped her, putting them on her lover for her, and she ran her fingers along Lenas calfs in the process. Leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Lena's Back.
How does Kara touch Lena's back?
Gentle Strokes.
Up and Down.
Drawing pictures while describing them to her half asleep lover.
So gentle.
Sometimes kissing along her spine.

Lena's Face.
How does Kara touch Lena's face?
Karas favorite way to touch Lena's face is cups and strokes. Cupping her cheeks and kissing her nose, or stroking her fingers along her forehead gently while lulling the girl to sleep.

Lena's Neck.
How does Kara touch Lena's neck?
Even under Red-K she was gentle.
Pulling her into kisses and rubbing out knots.

How does Kara touch Lena.
Full of love.

Gentle, thats how Kara touches Lena.



I LOVE this one.
(rly hope cami likes it to, give your thoughts in the comments girlie wirlie)

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