Silent Jealousy 

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Warnings: Inappropriate comments, a wee mini smut clip

Original Characters: Stephanie Johnston (a bully), Lilly Parker (another bully), Marjorie (Lena's friend)

Things To Know: It's a college AU, also some inspiration from Fratdaddyo_hara on AO3 specifically the work titled "reward".


Lena took her seat on the -slightly wet from the rain the past days- bleachers. Putting her blanket over her legs as the chill of the night was already settling in. She searched for Kara, finding her fiancée doing warm ups before the football -American- game.

The day she got asked that question was the best day of her life -no one at the college the girls attend knows their getting married, or were even dating- she still remembers that day.

"What are we doing...?" Lena asked as she got lead blindly through the woods. "Are you gonna murder me..?" Kara chuckled behind her and kissed her hair "no" she dragged out the 'o' making Lena laugh as well. Soon Kara moved her hand and now Lena could see the little lakefront she decorated with the help of her sister and friends. "Kara.... It's beautiful" Lena said breathlessly "So are you.."  Kara said. Lena turned and -kinda, eh, lil more than kinda- pounced on her girlfriend, pulling her into a hug and tucking her face in the crook of Karas neck. "I love you too baby" Lena chuckled into her "Cmon!" Lena tugged Kara along as she walked to the little picnic set up. Lena sat down on the blanket laid on the ground, smiling up at Kara as she did the same.

"... So I end this speech with.... Will you marry me..?" Lena was sobbing as she nodded and mumbled the word 'yes', Kara could barely hear her voice through the tears, but she heard. So she hugged her now fiancée, putting the ring on her finger as their foreheads touched and they admired it.

Kara also couldn't take her eyes off it as she thrusted her fingers into Lena. As Lenas hand gripped hers tighter as her orgasm rocked her.

Lena smiled at the memory fiddling with the ring she was able to wear because she was a quiet girl, overlooked, so no one cared if a ring was on that finger.

She soon grimaced when she heard the conversation of the girls sat in front of her.

"Fuck Danvers is hot."

"I know, look at her fingers, fuck imagine those in you"

Lena knew who these girls were. Stephanie Johnston and Lilly Parker. They went to Lena's high school as well, and they still bully her relentlessly. Kara wishes she could punch them but Lena always just says everything is ok and not to worry.

They know about the ring but they think Lena is just so pathetic that she is pretending, and Lena didn't defend herself in fear of revealing her relationship with Kara.

She smirks to herself, looking down at the ringon her finger. She finds it humorous they want to sleep with Kara when the girl they deem as "Pathetic" has that girl wrapped around her finger.

A body sits by her, its Marjorie, of course it is. Marjorie is the girlfriend of one of the offense players, the football team knows about them as the team is Kara's "crew" in their words.

"Hey Lee!"

Steph and Lilly were turn around and smirk when they see her hands.

"Still doing your little pretending act I see"

They laugh and turn around, Marjorie and Lena sharing a knowing look before hiding their laughter.

As the game goes on jealousy bubbles in Lena at the girls in front of her words ring through her head. It was funny at first she thinks.

"Lilly just... just imagine Kara fucking you."

"She definitely talks you through it."

That she does Lena thinks.

"Fuck she's greek goddess built I swear."

"I wonder what kinks she's into."

Praise, a little bondage, dominant sometimes, and a little bit of a daddy kink, but mostly she just does whatever I beg for Lena names off the top of her head.

"I need her strap.. like.... fuck...."

"Fuck shes so hot"

"I could pull her, I know it"

As it goes on the jealousy builds, and by the winning touchdown Kara scores Lena doesn't even jump up, to engrossed in her thoughts.

Once everyone gets through cheering and the announcements end Marjorie gives her a look. "Whats up with you..?" Lena looks up, something clicking as she starts moving a little fast tossing her trash from the concession stand under the bleachers like everyone does, and messily rolling up her blanket and putting her bag and blanket more near Marjorie.

"I need to do something, take this for me?"

Marjorie nods and Lena walks down the bleachers, slow as to not fall again however we don't speak of that.

She goes to the edge of the bleachers and whispers to the coach, he knows Lena well and about her relationship, Lena and Kara babysitting his 3 little girls frequently.

She gets on the field and walks over to Kara, she knows people are staring, frankly, she doesn't care.

Kara sees her and immediately walks over, assuming something's wrong, which already confuses people as they assumed they don't know each other.

"Are you ok baby..?" Kara whispers and Lena nods.

"Kiss me"

"Here.. with all these people..?"

"some people need to know your not up for grabs"

She spits out the word 'people' harshly, making it very clear to Kara who she is referring to.

"Are you one hundred percent sure..?"

Lena nod and Kara nods as well in understanding, leaning down and kissing Lena as everyone in the bleachers starts gasping and shouting in enjoyment.

The kiss is rather gentle, with some anger from the jealously coming from Lena, soon drowned out by the gentleness of Kara.

They pull away and Kara hugs Lena pulling her to the exit of the field. Grabbing Karas things from the locker room and Lenas things from Marjorie before they go home.

That night Lena is showing very clearly those girls comments amount to nothing in Karas eyes, shown in a way that includes the violent shake of her legs while their held down by Karas hands, and broken pleads that fall from her lips.


Notes ⬇️

This is a wee bit horny but oh well!!

Hope you enjoyed!!!! 🥳🥳

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