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After dinner, Gu Tingshen received a piece of information.

After finding Ying Yi yesterday, he sent someone to check Ying Yi's background in detail.

Because the mountain village where Ying Yi grew up was too remote, the people who went to investigate spent a lot of effort just to find the place, so they delayed reporting until now.

Yingyi, also known as Tuwa, was born in a place called Daliang Village in Linzhou, Yuncheng.

His parents died when he was young, and he was a fool. He only survived with the help of his fellow villagers. He grew up eating a variety of meals, and even the name Tuwa was called by the villagers.

As for Liang Dayong, he is not Tuwa's uncle, but an idle old ruffian from Daliang Village.

This year has been a bad year, and most of the active young people in the village have gone to work outside to make money. Liang Dayong also doesn't have enough to eat in the village, so he plans to go to the city for a walk.

But when he left, he secretly took Tuwa with him.

Liang Dayong and Tuwa were not related to each other. They used to bully Tuwa a lot when they were in the village. Naturally, he had no good intentions when he brought Tuwa to Yuncheng.

On the surface, he was bringing the clay baby to work on the construction site to make money, but in fact, he had been contacting the buyer privately and wanted to sell the clay baby.

But Tuwa is a bastard, old, thin and dark, a fool, and can't speak. In a big city like Yuncheng where every inch of land is precious and where the powerful are gathered, it is impossible for anyone to take notice of him.

When people couldn't be sold, Liang Dayong's attitude towards Tuwa became even worse, and punching and kicking became commonplace.

However, although Tuwa's conditions were extremely poor in all aspects, Liang Dayong finally found a rich second-generation buyer with special hobbies after many attempts to lower the price.

The second-generation rich man is famous in Yuncheng for tormenting people. He plays like crazy in private. He especially likes to inject drugs into Ba, train people to be neither O nor B, neither humans nor ghosts, and then die. spoil.

Private injection of Omega pheromones is very dangerous, ranging from hormonal disorders to severe rejection reactions, which may even be life-threatening.

The rich second generation probably didn't like Ying Yi very much, so he didn't send anyone to do a physical examination on Ying Yi, but casually handed the medicine to Liang Dayong, and Liang Dayong injected Ying Yi casually. .

This is how the drug residue in Ying Yi's body came from.

His eyes lingered on the transaction price of "10,000 yuan" for a long time, and Gu Ting frowned in disgust - such a price was not even enough to buy one Omega pheromone.

That rich second generation is really arrogant.

Sure enough, no matter where you are from ancient times to the present, this kind of pickled stuff is indispensable.

Furthermore, the time Liang Dayong made an appointment with the rich second generation happened to be today.

In this case, it's no wonder that Liang Dayong jumped so hard when they took the shadow away yesterday.

Gu Tingshen told the people below to report what Liang Dayong and the rich second generation did to the public security organs, and they must spend the rest of their lives in prison. Gu Tingshen picked up Ying Yi's physical examination report and read it in detail for a while.

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